31st December
A great shot of a great fish to round off the year. Thanks to Bob Edwards for this photo of his simply stunning 15.14. Not a fish I recognise and certainly not one of the five recent 15's I have photos of. I have given up speculating on how many 15+ barbel and 7+ chub we have about the place, I just think its about time I had one or two on my rods.
30th December
Luke and Dom enjoyed a pleasant day with the lure and fly rods. Nothing huge but fun with fish to low doubles on such a roving day is great fun. Thanks for the report and photos Dom.
Last chance to get the rods out this year and so I grabbed a couple of hours this morning. I had intended to trot the roach swims around Ibsley Bridge, as I haven't seen anyone fish them for anything other than barbel for two or three years. On arrival the daunting prospect of opening my river trotting account for the year with the challenges of those swims proved a little too much. I chickened out and decided to trot bread in Hoodies at the tail of the weir. Luck was with me and I soon slid the net under a fine chub of about five pounds. With a fish in the bag I now had the freedom to try a few different swims. The first was the tail of the first weir pool down to the head of Tizard's Pool. Looked perfect and trotted like a dream, just the fish didn't agree and join in. Half an hour and a move to the section above the hatches, which proved to be equally devoid of fish for different reasons. What was a series of smooth, fish filled glides last summer and autumn was now a series of boiling eddies. Time was not on my side, so as a last shot before heading home for lunch I thought I'd try a lobworm around the most perfect looking perch slack on the river as the back of Crow Pool. It would seem my luck had evaporated and as with the previous two swims, it was not to be but at least my opening chub had saved a blank.
28th December
Interesting shot of a canoe capsized on the wall of the Ringwood weir. Hopefully its the one that has been slowly making its way downstream through the fishery over the past decade, spending its summers on various gravel bars and snags, acting as a warning to transgressors. Otherwise I can only hope that its occupants could swim! The second shot is of our young turkey tom feeling smug having made it through Christmas. He now feels sufficiently confident to strut his stuff about the yard in an effort to impress his harem.
27th December
A taste of the river over the last day or two. The head of Penmeade and Cabbage and the mist rising at the end of the day.
Thanks to Mark and Pete for sending through the photos of the two fish I mentioned in the last entry. Just magnificent fish, well done again.
24th December
This valley continues to amaze and at times I can only liken events such as those of the weekend to a winter wonderland. The river looks absolutely spot on with perfect water temperature, flow and colour, making every pool and run look as if it should be stuffed with fish. That's always been the trouble with the Avon everywhere looks perfect yet the fish tuck away in their favourite spots leaving miles of empty water. In reality not only is the present weather hardly representative of winter this valley is an all year round wonderland anyway!
I walked the first of the winter bird survey routes Saturday morning in what might be considered the perfect birding weather, calm, clear and mild. The bird world was out in force making the count a real pleasure. The thinking behind the survey is to establish the impact of various agricultural practices on the wintering bird population. Spring as opposed to winter cereals, winter sown oil seed rape, stubble and game cover provide varying feed and cover value that the count is trying to evaluate. Our transect is not effected by agricultural change and as such provides value as a baseline. There was nothing of note that the 'twitcher' world might wish to tick off, it was the resident and common winter migrants that made the morning such a pleasure. No White-tailed Eagle or multiple Great Egret count. We haven't seen the eagle since Friday when it came drifting down the valley over Bickton, from where Pete Reading text me its presence, it came down over Hucklesbrook and headed out across the lakes to the forest. Whilst incredible to see the eagle it is the presence of the Fieldfares, Redwing, Lapwing etc that are the species we need to more fully appreciate and understand.
One other snippet of bird news in that the Starling roost has moved on. Not a single bird has been using the reedbed for the last few nights so I imagine they have moved west, probably to the Avalon Marshes.
The calmer weather Saturday and Sunday has seen the river slowly clearing and dropping and today I spotted the first pair of salmon cutting. Now we are past the shortest day the new year begins and if in celebration new life in the form of the salmon life cycle is once more under way. Visibility meant the main river remains too coloured to see the gravels. The carriers, where the water is less than a foot deep, was where I found the pair today and they were still almost impossible to see, only the large fungal patches on the hens back made spotting her possible. Weather and river conditions permitting the next fortnight is the time to see them on the redds if they are still down with us in the middle river.
The first redd of the season, early daffodils up at the hatches and a Kestrel for the bird count.
One other advantage of walking the river in search of redds is that I catch up with the news of how the river is fishing. Today I was fortunate to see a 14.10 barbel landed and this evening an email from Mark Tutton telling me of a 15+ he had landed after we spoke briefly on the bank. Add at least one 7+ chub and the Avon wonderland becomes clear, it is simply the stuff of angling dreams.
Definitely one for the album.
20th December
The river may be full and the valley threatening to go underwater but in today's unexpected sunshine there could be fewer finer places to be. Just to prove the point I passed Ken Martin just as he was landing a sparkling barbel, not the largest in the river perhaps but any winter barbel is an achievement. Ken had earlier landed a 7 pound chub so a winter barbel, on such a mild, sunny winter day, was very much the icing on the cake.
I put the cob shot up to illustrate the lack of thought aggressive, territorial swans sometimes exercise - in this instance wandering about like a puffed up turkey the week before Christmas wouldn't seem such a wise move!
19th December
Not quite on the scale of yesterday's eagle but another bird we do not see that frequently on the estate in the shape of a Brent Goose. Just ten miles down the road they are regular winter visitors but they are very much a bird of the salt marshes and coast, seldom making just the few miles inland to the estate.
18th December
Just a quick entry to record the presence of a White-tailed Eagle over the lakes today and this time I actually got to see it. Its a juvenile bird that has been up in the forest for some time and it makes me wonder if it was the same bird reported from the valley over a month ago. It was a Golden Eagle reported from the valley but as this bird is a juvenile, without the distintive white markings, it may well have been the same bird. I'm told its a Dutch bird but wherever it came from it didn't look very impressed with our weather as it headed up into the neighbouring fir plantation in an effort to find a little shelter. I'm sure it won't be too long before they are nesting in the valley - everything that eats fish seems to be thriving these days!
Oddly the last time a White-tailed Eagle was on Somerley was way back in the late 19th century, lets hope its not a similar time scale before we see one again.
16th December
WeBS day and the early part of the morning, as soon as the mist had risen, was spent counting birds up on the Hucklesbrook Marsh.
The Green Sandpiper seem to appreciate our efforts in keeping the marsh flooded with at least five present today. In reality the number of wildfowl in the valley remains low as we have yet to experience any extremes of weather with either floods or cold. It is frost and ice in Europe that has the greatest influence on our migrant numbers, which like us would appear to be be experiencing mild weather up until now. With the shortest day less than a week away we have plenty of time to experience the joys of frost and ice this winter. It would probably be a good reminder for much of our natural world as we have daffodils about to flower and Collared Doves nesting in the garden and the Canada geese have started pairing off and becoming territorial about their nest sites over the lakes. A few of the 70 or so Wigeon that were about the marsh this morning and a Grey Wagtail, not on the official count list but always a joy to encounter these confiding little birds.
I expect you spotted the fox in the first shot of the South Marsh above. He was sat idly watching the marsh and by the look of him hoping for something other than Mallard! In reality I expect he recognised his limitations and realised he wasn't going to get close to them before they took flight.
The oxbow is looking the part as it fills with the recent rise in water level.
11th December
Lost & Found Hahnel camera shutter remote, picked up at the Aquarium. Hopefully lost whilst photographing some monster, if you were that lucky angler give me a call and we will arrange to reunite you.
8th December
The rain of the last couple of days has once more brought the river level back up and put a tinge of colour in the water. Since the rain brought the river up in the early days of November we have enjoyed three or four brief lifts in the river level, certainly sufficient to allow the salmon to move upstream to the areas they wish to reach for spawning. Of the few fish I saw moving through the system most were on the first two flood events. The two most recent I haven't seen a single fish, which hopefully points to the fish all having safely reached their desired station. It will be extremely interesting, if the water clears around the New Year when the salmon will be on the redds, to see if we have any fish that have stayed down with us in the middle river to spawn.
Ibsley spillway with plenty of water flowing.
1st December
The first of December and the river is up and the weather is mild, the valley is looking just superb. The rise in water levels is flushing out the accumulated summer rubbish and scouring the gravels in readiness for the salmon to start their cutting. Rob's brace of yesterday points to the barbel having woken up and at least two seven pound plus chub this week it's about as good as it gets in the Avon valley during the winter months.
I still seem unable to manage my time to find an opprotunity to get the rods out but with a river clear of weed and beginning to take on that magical Avon green colour it just has to happen soon.
Having not visited for a fortnight I did pop over this evening to have a look at the Starlings roost. Numbers seemed to have halved but there was still plenty going on to make the visit worthwhile. At least two Marsh Harriers, possibly three, one of which can be seen in the first photo. After everything has settled down and the Starlings were in the reedbeds one of the Harriers drifted back in and the silhouette dropped into the reeds to roost. The middle shot is the early part of the roost preparing to drop into the reeds. The third shot catches one of a pair of Peregrine that were actively chasing the flocks as they arrived. Along with a pair of Sparrow hawks that were ambushing the birds as they dived for cover into the trees to avoid the falcons.
30th November
Congrats Rob, lovely looking fish, scale perfect. This is Rob Sly with a great looking 15+ barbel that seemed to appreciate the fresh water of recent days. This is the first time I have heard of this fish gracing the bank this season, which makes Rob's capture even more pleasing. The big fish all seem to have enjoyed a good autumn with super barbel and chub being landed in recent days, fingers crossed we have an angler friendly winter ahead of us to make the most of them.
I almost forgot to say that Rob had second double in the shape of an 11+ fish, even more congrats, cracking brace.
26th November
I am currently in the process of producing a report for Natural England about the historical practices on Ibsley Airfield. I am grateful to Mr Andrew Shutler for the use of the photos above, showing the airfield in the late 70's and early 80's. At the time Andrew was working for the gravel companies that extracted the gravel and has first hand knowledge of the changes as they occurred. As shown above they are not chronologically correct as the first shot across the NW corner of the old airfield is perhaps the latest. The last area to be extracted showing Bill Samsons followers grazing beyond a cover strip. The middle shot, showing the NE corner, is the final phase of the Mockbeggar complex, late 70's early 80's. The 360 pushing the soil about is creating what is now the 'Clear Water Pond' and the first of the silt lagoon that runs north across the site.
25th November
WeBS day and the bird of note was probably a visiting White-fronted Goose that has been about the valley for a week or two and has joined up with the Canada's today. Talking of Canada's, how should I record our ugly duckling as he firmly believes he's a swan? Goosander numbers in the roost have reached in excess of 100 with many gathering throughout the day on Mockbeggar. Hopefully they will eat their way through the rudd and micro carp population and leave the river alone. Also of note, along with the Goosander there were over twenty Mandarins on Mockbeggar all making their odd barking call as they circle the lake.
The sunshine dig break through the cloud layer briefly today and brighten the trees on the far side of Meadow Lake. If you look closely you will see one of several Great White Egrets that are currently about the valley. The middle shot shows the meadows that have been floodedup on the marsh. They are perfect wader habitat but it doesn't matter how good the feeding if the waders haven't arrived from the North and Eastern Europe. Today a forty odd Lapwing, a couple of dozen Snipe and three Green Sandpiper, not exactly packed out but its there if they do arrive. A valley resident in the shape of a cock Stonechat adopting its characteristic pose, at the top of its vantage point.
22nd November
Our winter grazers have arrived on the lake and what a lovely lot they are. No horses this year, we have a change to a more traditional regime in the shape of these lovely looking Blue-blacks and their hairy followers. With those coats they look ready to face the toughest weather, I only hope they are not overly put to the test! Blue-blacks are a cross between a Galloway and a Shorthorn, hence the non Blue-blacks! They are the old fashioned cattle that do well on rough grazing, which is exactly what we want them for. I am always on tenter-hooks when they are here as I watch the state of the sward. This year we will probably let them pull out the sward a little more than usual as we have been seeing sedge grass expanding its hold on one or two shaded sections that these animals will hopefully set back for a year or two, allowing the wild flowers we seek to re-establish.
20th November
"Our first Dark Green Fritillary"
Mockbeggar Butterfly Transect Report 2018
For the butterfly fans, this years Mockbeggar Report. I always look forward to this report coming out, more so than the many bird and fish reports I get each year. I think it must be the fact we associate butterflies with fine weather, sunshine and warmth; summer's essence captured forever! Huge thanks to the New Forest Transect Group for producing such an informative report.
18th November
Our late efforts to get the grass seed on the restoration seem to have been smiled on by the elements and we would appear to have a nicely established ley. It all looked particularly well with the sunshine of last week and the colour of the surrounding oaks.
A wonderful crop of holly berries currently adorn the trees but I fear they will not last until Christmas. I say that after just counting over 300 Redwings out on the Lower Park, if their numbers continue to increase they will make short work of the berries. The shot on the right is one of several Green sandpiper that are enjoying my efforts to keep a little water in the fields for their benefit. A single Dunlin also spent most of the day with a flock of fifty Lapwing on the floods, looking oddly out of context this far from the coast.
I've been strimming the willow and alder regrowth out from around the oxbow before it gets established. Once it gets above head height it becomes a nightmare to control. I have to say that now the oxbow is getting established it has exceeded our wildest expectations as a stunning fenland and fry shelter habitat. Despite being a low flow year the fish have been making use of it throughout the summer. Whilst talking of fish I should congratulate Andy Jackson on his afternoon catch this week, it consisted of three 20+ and a 30, which considering the weather is quite remarkable.
The first shot is another of the pollards that were cut back as part of the wader restoration project, certainly looking better for having the unbalanced crown reduced. Centre is a shot of one of the many Goosander that are currently making the most of the low water levels that we continue to experience. The sooner we get some steady rain, a lift in levels and a little colour the better. Finally, do you recognise this family? If you look closely at the bird in the center of the shot you will see our mixed up ugly duckling. He seems to have successfully made it despite the trials and tribulations of the summer. He can in fact fly well but has hung around waiting for his adopted siblings to master the art of flight. His four other siblings are jut out of shot to the left, all having succesfully made it through.
14th November
One of the two of Marsh Harriers that have been regular visitors in recent weeks. I don't think this one was trying to catch the Starlings, more avoid them.
All three shots show a Sparrowhawk that was definitely trying to catch a Starling, making repeated attacks up from the nearby oaks.
One for the carp lads showing Roger with a 36 that was the result of a short evening session. A great looking fish and judging by its frame and size of its fins and tail it still has plenty of room for further expansion. Well done Roger and thanks for the report. The river is dropping back after its recent lift in water level but the chub seem to have enjoyed the flush of fresh water with some stunning catches being landed. The chub population in the Avon at present must be at an all time high they are simply magnificent, be sure you make the most of them.
12th November
Absolutely rubbish photos but they go some way to illustrate the marsh after the recent rain provided sufficient water to begin flooding the meadows. Within just a day or two the duck numbers have taken an upturn and the waders are also enjoying the good feeding. A hundred and fifty Wigeon, fifty plus Gadwall and plenty of Teal and Mallard making up the duck numbers. Lapwing, Common Snipe plus several Jacks, Green Sandpiper and it was good to see over forty Black-tailed Godwit also making the most of the flood. There was a Peregrine chasing the gulls about, which caused mayhem for a few minutes but they soon settle down and got on with their feeding. Its been a odd year for birds of prey in that some have prospered whilst others seem on the wane. Hobby and Sparrow Hawk numbers have definitely dropped, Buzzard have remained unchanged on about 16 breeding pairs. Kestrel have definitely prospered, with at least five pairs nesting succesfully in the valley alone this summer. We still have one pair of Peregines, now well established and our newer arrivals also enjoyed a good year with certainly two pairs of Goshawk successfully breeding and out first Red Kite managing to fledge two juveniles. Tawny numbers are stable, whilst Barn Owls are subject to the fluctuations of the valley floods drowning out the vole population with only two pairs rearing young this year as far as I am aware. Little Owls have unfortuantely become much rarer with only one pair on the Park last summer. Add our regular Marsh Harrier visits, if the valley is flooded and the duck are in the valley and the occasional passage Hen Harrier that's quite a list. We seem to be doing okay with the exception of one or two fluctuations for which we have yet to establish a cause. Osprey will hopefully be breeding in the valley in the coming years and I am reliably informed there was a Golden Eagle in the valley a fortnight ago, which I regretably managed to miss, never mind always next time.
10th November
After last nights rain shoot morning arrived bright and clear. The Dockens was rising and the bow waves of the sea trout could be seen as they headed over the shallows on their way to the redds. Bearing in mind it was shoot day this Greylag seemed to have the situation well covered. He spent the day down at the lake, scrounging boilies off Dave and Woody!
9th November
Across the lake to the New Forest escarpment in its autumn glory. Shoveler numbers are slowly increasing having now reached over one hundred, busy with their circling feeding patterns. The Master Buck is looking well considering the energy he has used up in the rut over recent weeks. He was limping for a day or two, probably as a result of seeing off a challenger but he now seems to have fully recovered.
1st November
A couple of shots of valley residents, the first simply a Little Egret fishing the shallows at Ellingham. I always expected egret numbers to grow far quicker than they have as ten years ago I was getting counts in excess of 50 birds at a valley heronry. Now if I reach double figures I'm lucky, which I find out of kilter with what one might have expected. Just why numbers should crash in an established population is a question many in the bird world would like to answer, predation, lack of food, disturbance or distruction. You don't have to go far to see growing populations of not only Little Egret but Bittern, Great White Egret and now we are seeing Cattle Egret, Little Bittern and even Night Heron beginning to establish down in the Somerset levels. A day in the boat at Chew Valley and its not uncommon to see twenty plus Great White Egrets. I look forward to some one discovering just what is holding our egrets back and help in putting them back on a sound footing. The second is a shot of a November Small Copper, just because a November Small Copper needs to be appreciated.
31st October
Leaving this morning - Some of the 50000+ lifting off.
30th October
A clear evening and it seemed perfect to get a good Starling count so as the light dimmed I headed for the roost. Getting a count isn't quite as straight forward as you may think, particularly as the roost is arriving over a period of half an hour in dribs and drabs. The added complication of many of the flocks coming in literally at head height, only becoming visible in the last seconds before they drop into the reeds. Under such circumstances a single shot of the flock to enable a digital count is impossible.
In an effort to get a count tonights method involved getting photos of the first flocks that arrive when they cluster on the electricity wires out on the watermeadows to await the witching hour. As the flocks continue to arrive in fifties and hundreds the gathering birds rise on mass every so often allowing more flock shots. The shots enable me to work out a base factor to use to collate the finale numbers. My estimate of numbers in each photo is written in the notebook to be compared with a digital count on the computer this evening. Six such comparitive digital counts provided me with my correction factor on tonights count. This process goes on for five or six minutes until sufficient numbers deem it time to drop into the reeds. My estimate for this stage was finally calculated as 13000 this evening.
With the vanguard in the roost the new arrivals continual to stream in, to drop immediately into the reeds without circling or rising more than inches above the surrounding trees. This is where things get busy as in the next 15 minutes flock after flock pours in, each requiring an estimate of numbers to be written into the notebook. The one saving grace with this count was the fact all the birds came from the north with nothing appearing to join from any other point of the compass. Less than half an hour and they are all in with just the waves of chattering coming from the reeds to give their presence away. All that is left now is for me to fight my way back through the nettles and brambles in the black of night.
The gathering birds waiting for numbers to build sufficiently before dropping into the reeds. The lower shots are my digital counts enabling me to work out a correction factor to work through the count. Almost forgot, tonight's final figure, 53270 that's one hell of a lot of Starlings. If the hawks, peregrines and harriers ever get their act together there could be some excellent murmurations in the coming days. Hopefully before the cold weather drives them further west to the Somerset levels.
29th October
The river is now down to its barebones and running clear, not a very pleassant sight at the moment. With the weed now disappearing after the drop in temperature and reduced daylight, without rain in the near future, our juveniles will start to suffer from increased avian predation. The second is simply the regrowth on one of the pollards that was reduced as part of the wader project last autumn. Certainly looking well after a years growth.
The cold weather has seen the first of the real winter migrants arrive with 30 Shoveller on Mockbeggar at the weekend. Sunday's WeBS count in the valley was a prerry uninspiring event. Very few highlights, perhaps the Great White Egret or the couple of hndred Lapwing. Geese seem to make up the bulk of the sightings with over a hundred Egyptian Geese being perhaps the most depressing. The righthand pic shows a small part of the current Starling roost avoiding a Marsh Harrier, which for those with sharp eyes is visible in the shot. Along with the Harrier, a couple of Peregrines and a Sparrow Hawk still couldn't prevent the Starlings from diving straight into the reed beds. They are streaming in from the north in flocks of between a few dozen and a couple of thousand. If I get another clear evening this week I'll do a count to see how many we have with us at the moment.
Even after two very harsh frosts the appearance of the sun brings out the last of the butterflies and dragonflies. Two Small Copper seeking the last of the nectar from some unseasonal ragwort and a Migrant Hawker soaking up the warmth of the sun.
Anyone fancy some light reading? Unless someone out there wants these they are heading for the recycling bin. They are not light reading, you have to be in the business. Its all or nothing I'm afraid. You can always take what you want and recycle the rest but I'm not sorting through them again.
25th October
Syndicate Lost and Found
I have a fold-up landing net that has been handed in, plus a 10" black bank stick I picked up at Ibsley. Lost at Blashford ten days or so ago, a pair of rod rests.
Anyone wishing to claim items or having found them give me a call or text on the mobile please.
Another one of those glorious autumn commons, this one being a PB for James at at 39.02. Super fish, thanks for the pic James, great result.
24th October
A misty sunrise over the park, with the New Forest in the distance. The sunshine brought out several butterflies that are still with us with the autumn leaves making a colourful backdrop for this Small Copper.
The middle shot shows Jack with a perfect looking 30+ common. Gorgeous fish, its like that 24.11 Bill Quinlan is holding in Jack Hilton's 'Quest For Carp' almost huggable. Brilliant fish Jack, thanks for the pic.
bottom line showing the north marsh creeping out into the meadows. It is attracting several of the valley water loving birds with fifty plus Lapwing, four Green Sandpiper and one or two Snipe. The herons also drop in as they disperse from the heronry roost most mornings with over a hundred some mornings and occasionally the pair of Great White Egrets that are currently in the valley. The final shot shows the results of my efforts with the strimmer this week. The sightlines that allow me to see across the complete width of the complex are once more clear. As well as keeping the flightlines open for the wildfowl it also assists me in spotting trespassers as they try and sneak about the lakes.
22nd October
The high water of the last two winters had prevented me strimming out the regrowth on the islands. A further year would have put the willow and alder saplings beyond the scope of a strimmer requiring an extremely labour intensive chainsaw clearing exercise. This once more brings up the question of 'rewilding' or 'gardening' to suit our idea of biodiversity.
18th October
Thanks to Kenny for the photos of his latest visit, one of which was the chub above. During the last couple of days he has managed to land three chub over six pounds with plenty of other fish to make up the numbers. As can be seen from the photo the chub are looking in great condition. Fingers crossed the weather in the coming months lets us enjoy the winter fishing, which promises to be very special.
The sun came out at lunchtime and it was good to see several butterflies were quick to get out and make the most of a little warmth.
A couple more buck photos with the first browsing an oak and the second showing a broken antler, probably the result of the current rut contests. The problem with this animal is that now he has lost the palm that interlocks with his opponents the lower tines are potential murder weapons. Its difficult to see but if you look closely on the chest of the browsing animal there is a neat, round puncture wound that may be the result of an encounter with that lower tine. This is an animal that should be culled for the benefit of the other bucks in the area.
17th October
Not ideal weather for taking pix today but a few to give a flavour of events. Top shows the North Marsh, which I have now started to flood as we have yet to see any real rise in the river, after only a day or two it is already beginning to attract plenty of wildfowl and waders. The lower shots capture the master buck that has taken up his stand in readiness for the rut that is shortly to get underway. Not shy in hiding his presence guttural roaring can be heard right across the far side of the lakes, half a mile away.
15th October
The Dockens beginning to rise, about to flush out the summer growth photographed just last week. No sign of any sea trout heading upstream to the redds but it wont be long before they arrive. Finally autumn colour at home about to succumb to the storms.
Darrel dressed for the weather and rewarded for sticking it out through the flood debris filled river. Finally if you find El Toro between you and the river just stick to your guns, he's not in the least interested in bothering you and will high tail it out!
8th October
The lakes are looking well with the onset of autumn. Hopefully the autumn water temperature will soon drop below 16 degrees which is the KHV trigger temperature enabling us to relax a little as we head into winter.
Hopefully you all received an email today laying out what our approach to KHV will be over the coming weeks. Please ensure you follow the instructions and don't let a silly risk jeopardise the entire fishery.
5th October
The Wessex Chalk Stream and Rivers Trust team visited to continue the monitoring of the oxbow. Despite the low, clear water a careful approach provided some interesting samples.
I'm sure all in the carp world will be well aware of the outbreaks of koi herpesvirus that are getting ever closer to us. Just what the implications are for an infected water doesn't need a genius to work out.
Just what options we have to safeguard the fishery are open to interpretation.
The first and probably the safest would be to shut the fishery. Not a route anyone wishes to take and in reality not the way forward we wish to pursue.
Dip tanks are an option. 'Virkon S' is probably the most effective of the disinfectants available. We are well versed in the use of Virkon from previous outbreaks and foot and mouth. The problem with Virkon is the contact and the drying time required. A minimum of 10 minutes and in the case of material such as clothing/netting an hour is recommended, always assuming it was dry to begin with and able to absorb the solution. Not the most practical or efficient means of control.
Perhaps the safest option for us is that with immediate effect I would ask that syndicate members fishing the lakes use a dedicated landing net, weigh sling and unhooking mat, for our waters. Sacks will be completely banned, even for the brief period required to set up for photos. Fish can be safely rested in the landing net for five minutes max, if it takes longer than that to set up the camera, its not acceptable. Definitely no 'phoning a friend' and awaiting their arrival. Arriving on the fishery with damp nets etc is also not acceptable, so ensure you air dry your kit when you leave the water.
I'm sorry if that seems a pain but I'm sure you would all agree the welfare of our fish must be paramount. These measures will obviously be under constant review and any improved options or better ideas that anyone can come up with will be implimented in an effort to keep us safe.
Thanks to Ken for the pic of his recent 15.15. For those of you that may be slightly confused about the background, it did not come out of the Dockens Water, I have to admit I altered the background for obvious reasons. Wonderful fish Ken, congratulations and thanks again for the report.
3rd October
After an early four o'clock start this morning I was quite happy to spend three or four hours trundling about in the tractor topping brambles out of the Mockbeggar paddocks before the winter grazing gets underway. The wild meadow habitat we are endeavouring to encourage for the benefit of wildlife seems to require an odd amount of management. The balance between over grazing by deer, inundation by willow and alder, fouling by geese or choking by brambles seems a little at odds with the "wild" part of our endeavours! It definitely illustrates that what we consider the wild environment is in fact very intensively managed to obtain the particular natural environment we deem desirable. Whatever the merits of the current zeitgeist 'rewilding' in one form or another has many advantages for the creatures we share the valley with. More on that subject at another time perhaps. It certainly seems to be working for our butterflies as despite the weird weather of the summer they enjoyed another good year. We recorded three new species on the Mockbeggar transect taking the species count to thirty, plus a further two new species out on the estate taking the total to thirty two. More on the butterflies when the Mockbeggar report arrives.
The odd patchwork appearance of the paddocks after what I deem 'conservation topping' to remove this years rampant bramble growth that will steal the light and nutrient from our desired wild flowers. The topper is set high to pass safely over the amphibians and invertebrates hiding beneath the cover. The stripes are to ensure that habitat corridors remain to allow disturbed creatures plenty of undisturbed cover close at hand enabling them to avoid the ever attendant Buzzards when we are topping and remain hidden throughout the approaching winter. The second shot shows our herd of velociraptors that have our workshops surrounded these days. They are a most peculiar bunch that along with fifty guinea fowl that kick up a simply deafening racket every time you disturb them makes crossing our yard quite an adventure at the moment.
I must finish with a well done to Ken Thompson on landing a barbel an ounce short of sixteen pounds today. Great fish Ken, congratulations on such a magic result.
1st October
I told you it throws up more questions than answers. If you took the time to read the papers you will probably be as confused as me. Just why have we not been made aware of such potential risks? What is the extent of our knowledge? Do gaps remain in our understanding or is all the information out there waiting for it to be linked together?
The first of many questions I would like to find an answer to is, What species of fish, other than roach and rainbows, are likely to be impacted and to what extent? That's two questions, I know but it only gets more complicated so bear with me. Have the studies been done and who has the info? Now having sorted out that as top priority there is a further question that requires an answer to achieve our first priority? I'm not sure that's logical but the key to the fish species probably lies with the snails that infect them. Its a chicken or egg situation. Do all snails act as intermediary hosts or specific species? Does the location, seasonality and availability of snails as food have bearing? We have just endured five decades of EA weed cutting that has sent huge rafts of weed floating away down stream laden with millions of aquatic insects and molluscs. All these creatures abandoned their previous homes as they progress downstream showering the entire bed of the channel with evicted creatures. It would seem for the past fifty years no where in our river has been immune from the shower of food from on high. Okay lots of food, no pun intended, for further thought perhaps time we need to look for these answers in our academic community.
The shot above is from a three minute kick samples taken from a main channel riffle where we were seeking aquatic insects, not snails. If you have a few minutes to spare try counting that lot. If having counted them and defined how many different species are involved, if we could then work out how many were potential hosts to Diplostomum there are, we are starting to get somewhere!
28th September
I have to say thank you to Dr Neil Smyth over at So'ton uni for sending through three further links re the eye fluke question I have been looking at. The more you read about any element of our riverine ecology the more you realise we are only just scratching the surface in our understanding of the watery environment. Of course this doesn't only apply to our rivers and lakes but every aspect and habitat where the influence of man has bearing; in other words everywhere! If you read the papers attached to the links you will see that our fish/roach are the second intermediary host, snails and piscivorous birds also appearing on the scene. Just where we begin to unravel the impact of any one element is a task for a trained scientist, not a fishery manager on his soap box. As readers will be aware my regular rants have targeted unnetted trout farms, where I personally have counted over 200 Cormorants feasting on the rainbow trout stews. The huge colonies of Black-headed gulls and Terns that have been encouraged to nest inland away from their natural habitat and the impact on the invertebrate and mollusc population of the decades of indiscriminate weed cutting by the EA. Have any, or all of the issues raised above had any impact on our roach? I'll leave you to read the papers and begin to formulate your own answers.
Eye fluke
Eye fluke in rainbow trout
Eye fluke in roach and rainbow trout
26th September
Thankfully the weather was on our side and we managed to get the grass seed on the restoration today. With both Darren and Phil away Kevin was on the drill and my trusty steed can be seen awaiting my return in the background. I have to admit I was pleased to climb out of our aging Massey at the end of several hours bumping that roller around the field.
23rd September
We have now experienced the first couple of frosts of the winter and several mornings have seen the valley cloaked in heavy mist. The last two days have seen the mist burnt off as we've enjoyed autumn sunshine tempered with a northerly chill giving rise to perfect valley days. A classic shot of Rob seeking grayling and wild brownies always with the chance a sea trout may just have dropped its guard. The second shot is of Ringwood weir after we started to tidy up in readiness for the winter high water. Never the pool it used to be but the weir pool still offers some great winter pike and chub fishing and I'm sure there should be some perch hidden in the dark corners. I'm currently giving thought to next seasons salmon season which I am thinking will include Ringwood weirpool again. After our season of not fishing 100m downstream of our weirs I think it serves little conservation purpose for us not to fish Ringwood Weirpool if our neighbours continue to fish the opposite bank. The change will probably include a change back to 15 May for the start of fly fishing in a couple of areas of the estate but more of that later.
In the link below I have attached a paper that many of you may find of interest. It was sent through to me by our EA fisheries officer after I had asked if the EA held any information on parasites effecting the eyes of our roach. This came about after I had spotted several roach that appeared to have blindness in one and in the case of one fish both eyes. Along with the EA I am still seeking to shed more light on the impact of this eye fluke and will obviously let readers know if anything of further interest turns up.
Eye fluke in roach and rainbow trout
23rd September
The two photos are taken from roughly the same spot. I put the first up on the diary on 8th August the second today with water once more flowing freely again.
I'm sure most of you will have already read 'A Peoples Manifesto for Wildlife' and several of you were probably out walking for wildlife yesterday. Just in case the link below will take you to 'A peoples Manifesto for Wildlife' for your deliberation. Its certainly worth a read.
A Peoples Manifesto for Wildlife
Although extremely difficult, try not let personality and vested interests taint your feelings. Whatever you may think of the document It certainly provides food for further thought and further input, which is the stated intention of its authors. If you can say that many of the points are valid and deserve further consideration then it has to be deemed a success.
It is somewhat of an idealist agenda and as such comes over as being a little naive. I feel it comes up lacking in the hard facts of rural life related to that driver of all society, funding. Good luck on trying to persuade the entire general public that a wildlife tax is a justified expenditure. The polluter pays would seem a far more logical policy to adopt. If society then has to pay for the abstraction and pesticide levies through higher food and water bills then so be it. Just who is going to regulate and manage these measures in a sustainable fashion requires considerable work. Having said that I probably think a great many of the points are worthy of further thought and possibly legislation. Always of course dependent on the political will being there.
There's the rub, politics will ultimately determine all of our fates, including that of our wildlife. The funding cuts our regulators have undergone in recent years send out a fluorescent signal of the current position in the political hierarchical scale wildlife occupies. Continuation of this position will have only one outcome, whether deliberate or by accident, wildlife is and will come out a very poor second to the needs of society and business.
I was pleased to see that there is at last consideration of a levy on pesticides. I was appalled to see the cry for greater access for the GBP. If you want to destroy a habitat allow the GBP access to it. Despite our population and demands on green space a look around the globe at more enlightened societies have dealt with the problems hold many pointers.
21st September
It certainly arrived in style last night, by which I mean autumn. With it's first day or two of stormy weather the intention to make its mark was not lost on us. Just what autumn means for you may differ considerably from how others perceive it. You may be a season of mellow fruitfulness and harvest, mushrooms in the meadows and chestnuts below the yellowing trees. For me it means waking after a big blow, such as last night, with the first thought of the day being do I have enough fuel in the cans for the chainsaw.
The chestnuts looking like some demented boilie baiting campaign as the nearby riverbed was similarly covered. My autumn wake up call as the first of half a dozen windblown trees had to be cleared to get the traffic flowing again. Finally what my perfect autumn looks like as the Avon perch comeinto their own. It seems that every deep bend and slow run has perch in residence at the moment. Fish from a few ounces to almost three pounds made for a great nostalgia hour at lunchtime, watching the top of a big red float.
Jane is back in the office and has been down on the Park talking to the ewes again and captured this great shot of the girls on the mobile. Lovely shot Jane, you've definitely got a knack for this photography lark!
18th September
As I have been somewhat distracted in recent days just a quick pictorial catch-up capturing some of the recent goings-on.
The fruits of out labours makes the onset of autumn a rewarding time. Misshapen and full of lumps and bumps but the taste of the end result more than justifies the effort.
The next generation.
The weather may be changing but there are still good numbers of these gems to be found in the meadows.
Nearly there, subsoiling, power harrowing and the Joskins have seen the next phase of the restoration around the new lakes nearing completions. Phil and Kevin have been busy preparing the seed bed and now we need the weather to be on our side to allow us to get the seed in and rolled. It will be a fine balance between getting the seed in and sufficient rain to damp down the dust and swell it into growth. The final shot is the end of the day, which is a fitting place to wind up this entry.
5th September
Cooler nights may be with us yet there was a good hatch this evening.
5th September
Autumn is officially here and the valley has taken on its veil of early morning mist. There's a real drop of temperature in the evenings that has sent its early warning to the fish to fatten up for the winter ahead. In the first shot Jules is playing a 29+ common five minutes after returning a 25+ with half a dozen other fish to show for his couple of days on the lake. The carp have certainly taken the message onboard and seem to have their heads well down. The river is also beginning to take on its seasonal mantle. The water clarity remains good, with fish spotting a real pleasure at the moment, the weed however is beginning to lose its sparkle. The same seasonal change has also been picked up by the barbel and the number of doubles in recent days has once more been simply amazing.
Autumn also means I begin the clean up of the lake and river banks in readiness for the winter. This will involve a fairly light touch chiefly aimed at access, fixtures and fittings, such as styles, gates etc. The bulk of the emergent plants and brambles will be left for the cover and food of the wild creature with whom we share the banks. Some of the margins are now providing a wonderful emergent habit zone with banks of sheltering reeds, weed and variations of flow and depth. Its a pleasure to see the shoals of fry making use of these, both cyprinid and salmonid seem to appreciate these rich margins. In a month or two I will begin the tree work to ensure sufficient light reaches the river to encourage weed growth, restrict flow, ensuring bright gravel for the coming year. Busy days ahead but for me the best fishing in the Avon valley is about to get underway.
3rd September
With all these young up and coming stars in the angling world perhaps I should balance the account a little with a couple of shots one of my generation managed this week. Brian is a long, long standing member of the local angling fraternity and managed the superb looking common from Kings-Vincents. Brian can usually be found float fishing the margins on the pin and by margins I mean a foot off the bank and that common just proves what can be found at the end of your rod. Brilliant looking fish Brian, well fished. Not content with that, next day a trip to the river produced this fifteen plus barbel. Such a brace are fish of a lifetime, I only hope our young stars have fish of such quality in their waters when they get to our venerable age.
1st September
The salmon season has ended in a whisper very similar to the way it started. I'm not quite sure just how I should describe the 2018 season we have just endured. Endured is probably the most apt description for the majority of us who suffered as conditions swung from high flows out in the fields for weeks before rocketing water temperatures drove us from the banks.
It wasn't until the end of March Paul Greenacre banked our first of the year in the form of a bright 18 pounder. I believe that the river was sufficiently 'fishable' in the early part of the season for us to have caught fish had they been moving through. The lack of numbers banked would point to there being a very limited run of spring fish this season. The first spring tide of May did bring summer 2SW fish into the system, which was soon reflected in the rod catch. Alas is wasn't to last and by early June we were struggling once more.
Just to prove that old adage that you won't win it if your not in it, Paul then produced the highlight of the season in the shape of his magnificent 35 pounder. The photos on the diary entry for the 6th June go some way to show the size of that fish but they don't do it justice, it was a stunning fish. The fish of a lifetime let alone a season, well done Paul certainly an inspirational fish.
Peter Littleworth managed a brace of 2SW fish a week later, which in reality signalled the end of our season. The next event for our salmon will be their appearance on the redds at the turn of the year. Fingers crossed numbers on the redds will belie our poor rod return. I'll put together a fuller review later in the year and include the catch return for your perusal. For now I will have to be satisfied with dreaming of next spring with a river within its banks, clear of weed and full of salmon.
I should have put a shot of a salmon at this point but the photo of young Alfred smiling over the top of that tench is a far more optimistic view of the future. Dad Tom and grandad Tony are both members, which makes Alfred the third generation to enjoy the magic of fishing at Somerley. That smile says it all, thanks for the great photo Tom.
27th August
Its been an odd sort of week, beginning with an early start Monday morning with a trip out of the catchment when we took grandchildren Katie, Nathan and Frida up to Longleat for the day. When I say out of the catchment I could probably have thrown a stone over to the Wylye Valley but its the River Frome, tributary to the Bristol Avon not the Wareham Frome, that rises in the park lakes. An enjoyable if somewhat tiring day was had by all with one particularly exhausted grandparent making it home as it got dark.
Things took a down turn later in the week as we had canoes and children in the old control tower, both of which can be put down to ignorance. We also had Hampshire County Council Bridges department decide to put a diver in the Bridge Pool at Ibsley without so much as a by your leave to the Estate. Beggars belief in this day and age of litigation and health and safety a local authority wouldn't consult with the owners. I didn't like to tell Pete Reading who was fishing the pool a couple of hours later his pool might be somewhat disturbed having just had a diver in it! Its seems the bridge team were doing their biennial inspection, which is probably just as well as the west arch has been cracked and had water issuing out of it for over a decade.
The canoers were very polite and apologetic, being unaware the Avon was non navigable. The kids in the control tower were just an example of the lack of respect for other peoples property and probably the inability to read the signs. The frogman and his mates just about take the biscuit!
Things then swung back into favourable condition once more as I managed a lovely butterfly transect spotting a new species for the route in the shape of a Chalkhill Blue. I have had misleading abarrant form of Common Blue at regular intervals that do their best to trick me but this one was deemed by experts with greater knowledge than myself to be the real deal. From the photo you can see it has all the characteristic pattern it should the only doubt was the lack of a fringe with crossing black veins. If you look closely the remnants of the veins can just be picked up with the odd filament of black still crossing the tattered fringe. Considering the nearest colony is probably over seven miles away its little wonder its looking a little tired. That takes the species list for the transect route to thirty, with hopefully another couple to go as we get further habitat work completed.
The next two shots are of Small coppers, one stunning example on a fleabane flower and the other in the jaws of a hornet. Not the same butterfly but all butterflies might be advised to keep an eye open as the hornet population, like the wasps, seem to have had a good summer and numbers are extremely high.
Once more shots of the margins and the meadows beside the fishery. I can't stress strongly, or frequently, enough the importance of these areas of associated land. If you own, run or manage a fishery and you do not do your utmost to manage the surrounding habitat for the benfit of our struggling wildlife you are being negligent and you need to get your act together. If you for what ever reason you are unable to manage these vital wildlife corridors give your local wildlife trust a call I'm sure they would be deoighted to advise and assist in any way they can. At the end of the day i can only enhance a visit to the fishery and you will feel your doing your bit for our struggling wildlife.
Our newest addition to the butterfly species list, a beautiful Small Copper and a not so beautiful Small Copper and down below the importance of the margins.
Finally back to the Chicks and Keets that have been taking up my time of late. I have to say I am throughly enjoying having ducks, chickens, guinea fowl and turkeys about the place, added to the sheep we are becoming more like Longleat by the day!!
24th August
Regular readers will know this young man with his beautiful Avon perch. Syndicate member Colin Ives managed an all too rare a visit to the river this afternoon with grandson Elian. In the usual course of events it was Elian who managed the catch of the session with this lovely perch. Grandad had to make do with some quality dace and small roach, which in my book is as pleasant a way to spend an afternoon as any. Thanks for the report Colin and well done Elian smashing perch.
18th August
Its been a difficuly year in which to grow chrysanths, blistering sun and drought for weeks on end, followed by rain just when the delicate flowers begin to open.
16th August
These are rare creatures this year, the first home brood of Clouded Yellows but not as rare as the early continental migrants that laid the eggs as I didn't see any this year. Fingers crossed that we see one or two more of the beautiful creatures before the end of the season.
The water temperatures have dropped back sufficiently to see one or two salmon rods out on the banks again. Its good to think that we may get a fortnight at the tail end to make up for the weeks without being able to wet a line. I must admit I haven't called at the Lodge to check the book but I have yet to hear of any fish being grassed. The lack of fish is probably a reflection on being too late to expect fresh fish more than lack of effort. I would imagine the fish that have been stuck in the harbour and lower river may make a run for it if conditions suit but if the historic netting data has anything to add most fish would by now be in the system. That's not to say there are no salmon about. A stealthy approach to some of the deeper runs and undercut banks will find plenty of fish and some of them are seriously impressive creatures. The problem being they are usually aware of you long before you spot them. If you're are having a go I can't stress strongly enough how carefully you must approach the water. probably the best tip I can provide on locating the fish is really simple, it just involves chatting to the barbel and chub anglers. Salmon and large barbel tend to frequent the same pools so the lads who have been creeping about in the stingers for the last month or so will have spotted several of the denizens I have come across in my travels.
The river continues to produce barbel and chub of simply amazing size and quality. The recent rain has produced a tinge of colour and as a result the barbel and chub have switched on in classic Avon style. I can't ever think of a period in the history of the Avon when such catches have been made. Not only these wonderful specimens but the river is full of juveniles.
Why should the Avon be in such amazing form? Can anyone tell me just what has brought about this apparent upturn? I personally believe that the cessation of EA weed cutting has had dramatic benefits. It would seem to be an example of the less involvement the EA has on the ground on our river the more likely is the fishery to improve!
All we need now is to ensure we have cyprinid friendly passage at all the man made barriers to passage to allow the upstream spawning migration of adults. This is even more critical in these days of increased high flow events that flush the juveniles through the system. I'm sure we will see the EA leap into action at any moment to aleviate this problem. Mind you it took fifty years for them to realise their weed cutting and dredging had completely buggered up the Middle Avon so we may have some time to wait. Not that cash is a problem as they are currently spending £160K on the fish counter at the Great Weir barrier. This is to meet their inhouse adminitrative requirements under the WFD, it doesn't have a jot of relevance for the Avon salmon fishery. We receive no real time information that may be of interest and the resultant validated information has no bearing on any salmon policies within the river. It certainly has no benefit for the cyprinid population. Cyprinid passage, in all but the most benign conditions, is virtually impossible through most of the Lower Avon barriers, particularly those managed by the aquaculture industry and water companies.
There seems to be quite a ground swell of feeling, or perhaps better described as frustration, about the future management of our river within the angling community. I have to admit that despite my apparent retirement within the realms of the estate the politics of the wider fishery world is once more beginning to take up more of my time.
11th August
The show has come and is now in the process of going, which will leave us with the task of getting the roads and grounds back into shape before the autumn rains arrive and make access impossible.
I took ten minutes out today to visit a section of our braided channel system I haven't looked at for several years. As can be seen from the pix the willow has grown unhindered and completely enclosed the stream. The dense canopy has restricted the light and has kept marginal and submerged vegetation to a minimum. Without the vegetation the fish don't seem to inhabit this section of stream, be it lack of submerged cover or lack of food they are noticeable by their absence. I suppose we have about a mile of such channel about the estate, which I often think should be brought back into a more productive state. Just what defines a productive state is somewhat subjective. From the fishery perspective it is unproductive yet it is a natural habitat and if nature was left to its own devices most of the valley would look like this with a few decades. Its odd to think that nature would create a habitat that fails to maximise the biodiversity. That is until you consider what else would have existed alongside this willow and alder had not man intervened, cleared the valley and diverted the river for his own ends. We don't have to look that far back into the history of this valley to find not only a different braided channel and woodland habitat but the animals that inhabited them. The presence of large deer probably Red Deer is evident from many of the archaeological sites in the catchment. Those deer would have grazed the willow and kept areas clear allowing light toreach the stream, encouraging the weed to grow. Also as a part of this natural regime we would have seen beavers creating their dams and pools, further increasing the available habitat for our fish. Add Wild boar, a wolf pack and a few bears, as they have in areas of North America and we have a picture of our valley before we as man intervened. I suppose it would raise a few eyebrows if we released a few Black bears about the place to get our rewilding underway. Bears perhaps a step too far but the odd pair or two of beaver to create a more natural environment on some of the forest streams might not be so outlandish an idea.
The Latchmoor brook that flows into the Hucklesbrook.
Whilst on the subject of the Forest streams John Slader has compiled a short video that dramatically illustrates the dilemma our streams face. The clip shows the forest pools and the Latchmoor Brook last autumn and in recent days.
8th August
I thought the end to our drought was in sight last week when we had the couple of days of wet weather. Alas it was not to be and we are back to levels of dry ground we were suffering in the weeks preceding our brief respite. The photo is of the Hucklesbrook up at the marsh, taken this lunchtime. Once a stream that supported a significant salmon population and remains an important seatrout nursery. Just where last autumns juveniles are at the present moment is anyones guess. I just hope they managed to migrate back to the main channel before the remaining pools became deoxygenated and too warm for them to survive. Its a pity the massed dog walkers of the Latchmoor Brook managed to kill off the Forestry Commission plans to reinstate the wetland mires and meanders of the brook in the higher catchment, to slow the run off and provide precious extra days of flow.
Having seen the state of our nursery streams to hear today that the president of the CLBA, (Country Land and Business Association) Mr Breitmeyer, has been lobbying the government to allow regulations governing farming abstraction from our rivers to be relaxed. He believes investment in a long term water supply strategy should be the way forward. Just where has he been? Long term and drought strategies were on the water company agendas decades ago, at government insistance. As regular readers will know I am no ally of the water companies but to hear the oft trotted out 'threat to food production' raise its ugly head again makes for strange bedfellows. Unless of course Mr Breitmeyer is suggesting farmers are willing to fund further investment in these long term water management schemes.
It does raise some interesting questions if the farming community is serious about tackling potential food shortages and not just concerned about where the funding for the next Range Rover will come from. Where does society place the protection of its life giving rivers. How does this priority sit with the growing of perhaps our barley barons brewing grain or keeping the hosepipes flowing to appease OFWAT when the drought chips are down? Should water storage become a requirement if water thirsty crops are to be grown? Its bad enough water companies can ride rough shod over the enviromental value of our rivers in 'societies' name. Do we now face the publicly funded farming community taking another bite from what seems to be viewed as a free, 'Get Out of Jail Card'
Unfortunately the farming lobby is so powerful I fear for the future of our rivers. It seems if it is called a 'farm', even planning permission doesn't come into play. Down here in the New Forest, a bunch of subsidised cows, six donkeys and a yak will qualify as a farm and you can build what you like, where you like, even next to our rivers so sucking a 'bit more water out' will be small beer!
4th August
As you might expect our front garden is built around pollinators and at various times of the day the hum of these busy bees is audible inside the house. As it turns out thats not surprising as the greatest concentration of bees is not on the flowers in the garden but the Boston Ivy covering our house. It seems honey bees work the ivy to the exclusion of everything else, its the bumble bees and the butterflies on the garden flowers. Certainly an addition for anyone wishing to provide a rish nectar source. The downside of Boston Ivy is that you will have to keep it under constant attention otherwise it will over run the house. I have that job coming up in the near future now the bird boxes are all empty.
Gardening in general has been a trial this year, if you haven't watered every day most fruit and veg has given up the ghost. One fruit that has benefited from the prolonged sun and warmth are our figs, not only plenty of them but the sun has produced a super sweet crop. If like us picking your figs involves clambering about in the top of the tree its worth remembering the sap of the fig tree is a photoallergen and can bring you up in a rash or blisters so take precautions. Even from the top of the tree there is always one you just can't reach!
3rd August
Tony just about to land a nice double, taken float fishing in the margins this evening.
1st August
The stages were built, the marquees were set and the multitudes have come and gone. Now all that remains is to clear the fifty odd marquees and big tops, couple of miles of aluminium roads, the potable and foul water supply lines and the thousands of camping pods, miles of electric cables and Harris fencing and get the park raked, harrowed and rolled. All before the set-up for Ellingham Show starts at the weekend!
31st July
With the salmon fishing out of sorts, due to the water temperature, syndicate member Barry Williams has been keeping himself amused fishing 'floaters' for some of our carp in the lakes. Whilst down on Kings-Vincents this afternoon he rang to say a mink was busy feeding alongside where he was fishing and taking no notice of his presence on the bank. I promised I would call in this evening and if it were still about despatch the wretched thing and so after dinner I dug the shotgun out of the cabinet and headed for the lakes. When I got there Barry was still trying for the carp with his favourite Rapidex attached to a great looking B James Mk iv rod, with its smooth through action compound taper. A great way to fish and a proper nostalgia trip. A couple of minutes chat to get the whereabouts of our mink and I moved along the bank a further twenty yards or so to see if it would put in an appearance. I didn't have to wait many minutes before a black dog mink decided I posed little threat and swam boldly across in front of me, wrong. Problem solved I headed back towards Barry who by the time I had reached him was over the shock of the shotgun going off on such a still evening and was once more feeding the fish. With carp swirling and glooping within feet of the bank Barry very kindly asked if I would like to have a cast. The chance of a trip down memory lane with that lovely outfit was just too good an opportunity to miss and as the photo bears witness Lady Luck smiled on me tonight. Thanks Barry, a mink and a fine double figure common in the space of half an hour made for a great end to the day.
27th July
This is an unusual photo that has seldom been seen, certainly not in recent weeks. Its not the fact that Pete is holding a 13+ barbel, he's had plenty of those, its the fact he's got his shirt on! For the past eight or ten weeks Pete could be seen in various reed and nettle beds soaking up the sun in his usual fashion, if the forecast is to be believed this weekend may well see the end of this unbroken, bleaching sun. Pete had almost given up on getting this fish as he had been after it for more than an hour. Just as a move seemed imminent the reel spun into life producing this absolute beauty, well done Pete it was good to see the master in action.
26th July
Further tales of the bird world in that the adopted goose has learnt to fly. Whilst his adopted siblings remain grounded he flies up and down the river ahead of the family saving on his swimming effort. The cob seems to have finally accepted the presence of this cuckoo and there was even a look of pride at one point as he flew past. The Lapwing are up on Hucklesbrook where up to a couple of hundred, including many juveniles, can be found enjoying the rich feeding of the shallow mud. The righthand shot shows a pair of our Goosander up on the shallows where they can be found on most days.
The blackberries are ripening which will hopefully provide the fermenting juice to attract the Comma butterflies next month. The remnant swarm I must thank Brenda of warbler fame for pointing out. There doesn't appear to be a sufficient number of bees to start a new colony. I imagine they are the just what is left over as a primmary swarm moved through, alternately a smaller secondary swarm that has lost its queen and is slowly dying out.
The clear water provides perfect conditions for fish spotting. One difference this year would appear to be the number of eels that can be seen moving through the weed beds. Its a long time since I have seen so many eels in the river, hopefully pointing to a recovery of their numbers. I put up the shot of the roach as it clearly shows the fine condition of the fish, in keeping with the fabulous Avon roach of the past.
In praise of Fleabane. In reality its in praise of all the nectar bearing plants that are saving the day in the damp margins of the lakes. The first five or six meters from the waters edge will hopefuly provide sufficient food for both adults and the next generations of our invertebrates.
25th July
Spot the barbel. Weed browsing barbel, photographed off the bridge.
20th July
Its been a good year for Silver Washed Fritillary that sadly but inevitably are starting to show the effect of the long hot summer. Today, for the first time in a couple of years, I came across the beautiful dark green valezina form that despite a little wear and tear remains a fabulous looking butterfly.
19th July
I'm afraid blending in with the siblings is no longer an option. Mum doesn't seem to mind but dad is giving him a hard time!
18th July
As you may have guessed from the absence of entries I have either been away or I'm extremely busy. As it happens I have been away for a day or two and I am also extremely busy, that said life in the valley continues and I'll add a bit of a gallery in an effort to catch up. I should also add that I owe and considerable number of emails a reply and I promise I will get around to them in the next day or two. My time away was a day or two in the Malvern Hills to celebrate Jonathan's 40th in high style. Recovery from such celebrations takes more time these days, age seems to prolong such events. The sun continued to shine baking the surrounding hills to an 'akinda dusty yellow' in a similar light to our Avon Valley.
I'm not sure what the squirrel was attempting to achieve as it appeared to sleep on the railing in the full glare of the baking sun? The house we were staying in had the added attraction of twenty five House Martins nests tucked up under the soffits.
Those of you that have visited the river recently will have seen we are in full swing with the 'Focus 18' set-up. Fortunately the organisation of the event is excellent and it leaves us to get the estate polished up before the guests arrive. As soon as everybody is fully occupied and my meetings are out of the way I try and grab a strimmer to sort out some of the areas we are unable to get the mowers and toppers. Despite the heat I still get huge pleasure from strimming and seeing the finished product appear behind me. Its a little like splitting logs, its one of those jobs that provides a therapeutic end product and yes I also enjoy splitting logs!
In my absence life continued on the lakes and I have to thank Hugh for the report of his activities and lovely photos that so capture the magic of tench fishing. Hugh fished with his friend Chris to enjoy some classic tench from Meadow Lake. Chris looks justifiably delighted with a new PB as Hugh managed to land eleven, between bouts of tea making and chatting. This really does make me wish to get the rods out as such fishing epitomises summer on the lakes, wonderful stuff.
Saturday and Bob and Jean Annell brought some members of the New Forest Butterfly Transect Group down to enjoy an identification walk on Mockbeggar. The central pic shows syndicate member and butterfly aficionado, Mark Tutton pointing out some of the finer points of the butterfly population.
I'm not exactly sure just what this super looking common weighed as its one of three similar fish Karl kindly sent me pix of. I believe it weighed an ounce short of forty pounds but what ever its weight its a super fish and a great result. Well fished Karl and thanks for the pix.
Liam and Andy of the Wessex Chalk Stream and Rivers Trust were on site today to further their monitoring of the fry sanctuaries. The more I see of the Avon the more confused I become as it seems to be bursting with fish of all species. We are either on the threshold of a explosion of fish stocks on the Avon or there is an element of survival we have yet to understand. There would appear to be no shortage of roach but it remains to be seen if they turn into Avon two pounders? The same old question raises its head every time I see the numbers of fish present. With such a massive chub and dace population in all year classes that we are currently experiencing, does this suppress the roach population? Is it possible for a river to support all species at a similar level? I've been asking that question since the early 90's unfortunately I don't seem to be getting any closer to finding an answer!
11th July
The meadows are for the most part dry, cut and cleared of their bales and we can at last get about the valley more comfortably. It means we can get onto the riverbank to get some of the outstanding jobs sorted out. I am in the process of submitting two or three consent applications to NE and having spent a very hot and bothered morning cutting grass, I took a break this afternoon to walk the areas involved. After over half a century of walking the banks of the Hampshire Avon I still sometimes find it hard to believe just how wonderful this river is. With the water now clearing, affording excellent visibility into several feet of water, it was perfect conditions to have a good look around some of the the carriers. We are extremely fortunate at Somerley in having almost ten miles of carrier or braided channel, were most have been lost to the river much of ours remains. It is this carrier system that use to run the complete length and breadth of the valley that providied the nursery grounds for the fish that made the Hampshire Avon the most productive coarse river in the country. It also provided many hundreds of square metres of juvenile salmonid friendly riffle habitat, which in the current state of the salmon run we can do with every square centimetre. Today's walk reinforced the importance of these channels in that there were literally thousand of chub to a pound, dace of all year classes and roach to 8 ounces to be seen in every section I peered into.
Despite most meadows now having dried out the North marsh at Hucklesbrook remains flooded and is attracting birds from far and wide. Still present yesterday were; 85 Heron, 175 Lapwing, 5 Green sandpiper, a dozen + Snipe, 7 Teal, along with countless Mallard and Gadwall. The carriers provide the perfect juvenile habitat and flood sanctuary zones. Whilst we have some ten miles which is open we also have many further miles that could be opened up and designed to support our fish stocks and wader population. To that end I am currently drawing up a management strategy to put before NE to open up many miles of silted channel. The bottom two shots just show the recovery of the ancient Crack Willows that we pollarded under the GWCT project last autumn. They are already thickening up and looking well, particularly in light of the current heat wave that is proving very difficuly for many young trees.
5th July
Karl with a brace of big male tench, in the seven pounds class, having already spawned. Somerley would seem to belie the old belief that the females can be at least twice the weight of the males present in the lake. I doubt we will ever see the massive spawned filled fish that hit the angling mag headlines as we are closed leading up to spawning and our fish spawn early in the shallow Back Lagoon. Fabulous fish all the same, well done Karl and thanks for the pix.
3rd July
It looks as if our Kites are about to fledge and join their parents out in the Park.
2nd July
Thats better, one appeared right on cue this morning.
1st July
I just had to put this up despite it hardly being the shot of the year! It is a record shot of a Purple Hairstreak, which is an extremely difficult butterfly to locate, due to its habit of living in the top of tall oak trees. I have to thank river syndicate member Gary Somers for the location of this particular colony that he spotted whilst heading for the river at Penmeade. Super spot Gary, I'm sure barbel location will be a peace of cake compared to finding these little beauties.
29th June
High summer and the grass is scorching off at an incredible rate, so its just as well we have black bagged tons of the the stuff.
The Wessex Chalk Stream and Rivers Trust came down for a couple of days this week to monitor the juvenile fish species that were making use of the oxbows. They started with our most recent effort at Ellingham and today sampled the Coomber oxbow put in by the trust ten years ago. The new clear channel at Ellingham produced juveniles of nine different species, plus of course the carp and bream that can be seen floating about but were of no interest to the survey. The older establish channel at Coomber, as you might expect, produced a greater year class range and pleasingly numbers of 1+ roach. The fact they have survived through some of the highest most prolonged flooding in recent years certainly points to the oxbows acting as designed as sanctuaries for the juveniles during high flows.
A sample from Coomber oxbow producing pike and roach.
Three more species in the form of a perch, pike and minnow, of which there were tens of thousands visible in the shallows. All in all I have to say I am delighted with the number of fish present and look forward to the next visit and the final report
When one considers that it is less than twelve month since the work was completed both fish and fauna seem to be re-establishing themselves nicely.
25th June
This is the second of a brace of fourteen plus fish landed by John Mcgough within a matter of minutes of each other. Add chub over seven pounds and a further 14+ barbel landed nearby and you would have to say the river is fishing well at the moment. Brilliant catch John, many congratulations and thanks for the report.
A couple of shots of the wonders of the butterfly world. The White Admiral is the first I have seen on the estate for many years and I have to thank Darren for texting that they were flying around his garden. When I arived there were at least three different individuals including a couple of males on station just 50m down the road from his house.
Water Temperature Update - SALMON FISHING ONLY.
I'm assured by the EA the Knappmill website is now working correctly and as such we may rely on its accuracy re water temperature. As you will see we reached the Somerley cut-off point of 18 degrees today, however in light of the confusion we will fish today. If, as it would appear, we continue with today's heat and sunshine I would imagine tomorrow will NOT be fishable. Please ensure you check the website before travelling any distance.
24th June
I'm sure many of you will realise by now the Knappmill temperature information on the EA website is false. Despite this the EA continue to display this duff information leading to all sorts of confusion. I will purchase a digital thermometer and put a 'YES' or 'NO' fishing post up on here from tomorrow. At the current time I have little option but to continue to fish.
The marsh remains flooded and full of birdlife, pleasingly including several juvenile Lapwing enjoying the rich feeding in the shallow mud.
The high water in the river has flooded large areas of shallow margins, making a perfect habitat for the hatching coarse fish fry.
Butterflies are enjoying the sunshine with counts in excess of 400 on the Mockbeggar transect. It also included my first Dark Green Fritillary, two White Letter Hairstreaks and several Ringlets hatching in recent days.
19th June
Brenda took a break from counting Reed Warblers today when she came over to ring a brood of Spotted Flycatchers. This is the same nest site as last year just how successful, or otherwise, they might be remains to be seen. Certainly there seems to be a reasonable number of warblers this year, fingers crossed they all go on to fledge. The righthand shot is syndicate member Dominic Longley showing off a grayling to Simon as he passed by in search of a salmon. Talking of which there were two salmon taken today one by Richard Murawski to open his account. The second by Peter Littleworth to add to his brace of last week, well done both excellent news and Pete informs me his fish was bright and fresh so they are still getting to us. Keep an eye on the Knappmill temperature if we keep these warm thundery nights it will soon reach the 18 degree cut off point. Thanks to Dom for the lovely grayling shot and Nick from the Bothy for the photos of Brenda and the flycatcher. Nick also provides the home for the Flycatchers as they are nesting in a box on the rear of his cottage, where they have nested for at least three years, which is good news for such a precariously balance bird population.
19th June
A great start to the season for Kenny who managed to find the big chub feeding, including these two at 6.15 and 6.08 both being completely spawned out. Thanks for the report and the photos Kenny, very much appreciated.
I have heard of several barbel being landed up to a fine looking fish of 12.14. adding to the good start on the rivers. I always fear an anticlimax at the start of the season as the fish are very often preoccupied with spawning. This year it would seem they have their distractions out of the way and are looking to get back on the feed earlier than usual.
17th June
The silage cut is underway creating patterns across the land.
I despair.
I appreciate its difficult policing the countryside when funding has been cut to the bone. That's unfortunately is not my problem. Its the problem of the higher management of the police who must remain apolitical and hopefully not role over for the sake of their pensions. The police risk being viewed as no better than the many agencies we now see putting institutional protection above that of the society they are suppose to represent and serve. I think we deserve to see some real progress in sorting out the criminal plague we face on a daily basis in the countryside.
I can accept the GB public ignorance, the lack of respect for the rights of the individual and the stance that English common law doesn't apply to them. Self interest and hedonism seems to be the order of the day for many areas of our society. Add litter, fly tipping, poaching, theft,rustling all are of epidemic proportions nowadays. We are actually having to create a gated community.
The total disregard for the rural community by the National Parks and Local authorities, as they encourage the urban playground mentality. If not acceptable, is to be expected. The abandonment of the Forest environment as the bureaucrats roll over for the dog walkers who see the NF as the ultimate dog toilet to take Fido out far a dump and let him charge about in the undergrowth to get rid of his energy. The Latchmore drain fiasco and the ever increasing number of cycle races we see in the forest on an almost weekly basis being a prime example of that. Fine if you wish to go to work at the speed of a MAMIL.
What I do find hard to accept is the police call handler telling the trespasser to carry on and contact the EA when they get home, because they had looked on the internet!! Completely unaware of SSSI/ESA legislation and the complexity of the case of Avon navigation and the Defra statements of clarification. If I were to lean over the bridge and shoot one of those swans I would be in court immediately and quite rightly so. The clown in the canoe can drive the new born cygnets from one territory to the next killing dozens without consequence. Completely unaware of the law related to inland navigation. Totally ignorant of the potential for a breech of the peace. The police triage at its best, after all its only some old 'scrot' trying to keep himself employed.
The last time I got thumped it was some police C.I. acting as judge and jury on our well being. Choosing to take the word of the known 'scumbag' in question as opposed to the word of three authorised agents of the riparian owner. It would appear to act against us to be involved with caring for the rural environment, we are seen to be acting in our self interest. I suppose even if it had gone beyond our police Inspector's determination of the law, the CPS would have thrown it out as it wasn't in the public interest to proceed. I say that as a result of catching two such known 'scumbags' in possession of stolen motorbikes, with catapults and dead pheasants on the handlebars, with the police present and looking to prosecute – CPS “Not in the public interest to proceed”! “Just some old 'scrot' justifying his existence or fretting about some bugs and birds” I admit it, the second statement was mine. The inactivity and fence sitting of the regulators and the ignorance and total lack of action by the police, is becoming increasingly hard to swallow.
Totally abandoned rural community crime is ignored unless it can be captured on the web cam of the X5, or the evidence is in in a neat plastic bag with an associated video for presentation to their totally ignorant CI before he becomes judge and jury on our case. Before he presents it to the totally ignorant CPS. It seems to make nonsense of the old saying that ignorance of the law is no defence!
Up the creek without a paddle, an analogy that doesn't sit very easily for obvious reasons, 'Up rural S"*t Street' seems more telling.
I could go on about our untenable situation for pages unfortunately it won't make a jot of difference so I'll give you all a break.
16th June
It may have been the first day of the coarse season on the rivers but it didn't stop Pete Littleworth extracting a fine brace of salmon in the shape of the 14 and 16 pound fish above. They are certainly few and far between this year but it shows that perseverance pays off with such a great brace of fish. Congratulations Peter and many thanks for the photos.
Over on the stillwaters the Somerley complex opened its gates today. It was fairly slow for the carp on the main body of water although William Coulson did manage five to 24 pounds from the Nightropes in the day session. Whilst the carp may have been slow in the main body of water the tench and silver fish did seem to be on the feed. Richard Wykes had landed three tench including a 6.12 male by lunchtime, John Slader at the other end of the lake had tench, bream, roach and perch. That's a real old warrior of a male tench but quite a mixed bag and good fun on light gear.
No report from the river and not the start to the coarse season we wished to see with the sad news that Hampshire Avon devotee Graham Hamblem passed away suddenly last Monday evening. Graham was in his element when trotting maggot for those winter chub the Avon has been producing in recent years. He had mastered the difficult techniques the Avon requires and enjoyed the fruits of his undoubted skills. Graham will be sadly missed by his many friends in the angling world and his presence on the banks of the Avon will be a great loss. I'm sure I speak for the many members who had met Graham during his time on the river with us in offering our condolences to his wife Jill, family and friends who will miss him enormously. Graham's funeral is 3pm on Wednesday 27th June at West Berkshire Crematorium, Thatcham.
Graham Hamblem
15th June
Plenty of fish enjoying the recent sunshine but strimming the banks in readiness for tomorrows start had problems all of its own.
The cause of the strimming problem. The banks were simply alive with literally thousands of these micro-toads heading for dry land. Instead of the usual short back and sides the grass on the paths and swims was left at ten or fifteen centimetres to avoid a massacre.
The puzzled lambs look on as their mothers have their fleece removed by Sam as Phil wraps the fleece. It was pleasing to see this years lambs looking so well and the ewes in such good conditions after such an appalling introduction they had to the world during the torrential rain of early April.
10th June
We are extremely busy at the moment and the shots above capture bits and pieces of what is going on in the valley. Most are self explanatory, a pheasant brood, Godwits, Green Sandpipers and Great crested grebe. The central shot of the Speckled Wood is perhaps the most important because it is taken by the future. This is a shot of a Speckled Wood taken by nine year old Isobel, whom Grandad Michael informs me is a regular reader of the diary. If my ramblings account for anything if they inspire the next generation that will have to deal with the dubious legacy we have left them to sort out it will all have been worthwhile. Thank you Isobel thats a lovely photograph and I'm sure on your walks with Grandad you will discover many more of the miracles of nature that surround us every day. The wonder of this recently fledged Kestrel as it sat on the stump to survey its future world. The marsh that remains flooded and attracting a wonderful collection of waders and wildfowl. The fly past includes fifteen of the twenty two Godwits that were there today, seven Redshank and three of the fifty plus Lapwing. I believe we have two drumming Snipe present and a stunning male Spotted Redshank, in all his magnificent summer charcoal plumage, dropped in for a while whilst I watched or an hour at lunchtime.
10th June
Second and final BBS this morning requiring yet another early start. Good conditions and a reasonable count yet very little out of the ordinary. Perhaps the exception being the Bar-headed Goose that has joined up with out local Greylag and Egyptian geese. The second shot is a large gars snake that swam past as I walked Mockbeggar this afternoon. The grass snakes seem to be enjoying a good year with more than usual all around the lake. Oddly the adders seem to have disappeared and I have yet to see one this year. Just why one species should seem to thrive and another struggle I have no idea.
I know some of you will be keen to see Paul's video of his wonderful salmon, which can be found at the link below.
Paul G's 35 pound salmon
I apologise in advance to those of a delicate constitution, in that the sight of my lily white legs emerging from the river may be too much for some to cope with.
8th June
Having got over the excitement of Paul's wonderful salmon it was back to the everyday work of the estate yesterday. As it happened one of my tasks was to join a couple of natural England staff during their assessment of the SSSI land parcels. Task is the wrong description of such a duty as I always enjoy walking the meadows and particularly when Hucklesbrook is involved. As you will have seen from earlier posts the meadows up at Hucklesbrook remain flooded attracting an impressive array of species. If I had arranged the day it could not have gone better as far as the birds that are designated under the SSSI are concerned. We found over fifty Lapwing with proably eight or ten pairs protecting territories. Piping Redshank that refused to show and star of the show a drumming Snipe. I personally haven't heard drumming at Somerley for almost two decades and I have not heard of Snipe being present anywhere else in the valley during that period. To hear the distinctive sound produced by the stiff tail feathers is a sound that was synonyms with the valley for years, fingers firmly crossed we get to hear that magical sound again in years to come. We also spotted over fifty Gadwall, Oystercatchers, Wigeon, Common Terns and a magnificent Marsh Harrier, I couldn't have ordered for a better display.
Its not only the water meadows that are looking well, which they undoubtedly do as in the first shot but the entire estate is looking good in the summer sunshine. The Common Spotted Orchid was photgraphed over the lakes and the foxgloves in the recently coppiced woodland.
Two lots of waterfowl in the shape of the our swans with their ugly duckling, or more correctly ugly gosling. Not that he's particularly ugly but he is starting to look a little out of place among his fast growing brothers and sisters! Second photo is one of our Mandarin broods, the beautiful duck and her seven ducklings. The point of this shot is to warn members that they have developed a new trick in that they can dive on bait and make Tufties look like beginners. If they are about do your best to bait up without them spotting you as they'll clean you out in a most efficient fashion. Something for you all to look forward to no doubt!
The pathways through the meadows are a true delight to walk, a picture of colour and perfume. It is worth a further reminder that we do share them with the local wildlife in the shape of badgers, foxes and large numbers of deer, all of which have the potential to leave ticks for you to collect. Make sure you check yourself over after walking through the meadows. Thankfully, butterfly numbers are starting to build and not before time I might add as it cheers me up no end to see them adding to the colour of the meadows.
I also had occasion to walk the restoration which whilst at first glance may appear barren of life is in fact very productive. The weeds beside the flooded scrapes were swarming with Darter and Skimmer dragonflies. Certainly hundreds of Darters with Skimmers giving a good account of themselves. The Little Ringed Plover was peeping a warning to his mate and juveniles to stay hidden as he tried to decoy me away from their hiding place. He needn't have worried as I had already spotted them and made sure I gave them a wide berth. Not that the Sand Martin colony seems to be faring as well. It seems to have been discovered by out local foxes or badgers that have learnt that a tasty mouthful can be extracted with a little digging. It will be interesting to see how many of the forty odd nests survive now they have been discovered. If you look closely at the photo you can see the claw markes where other nests have been tested for vulnerability. Unfortunately I don't hold out too much hope for their future. Final shot shows a Little Grebe at her nest on the flooded field. There are six pairs on this particular flood with three pairs having hatched and feeding juveniles whilst three remain on their nests.
6th June
This is what you call a classic Hampshire Avon salmon in the shape of a 30+ taken this afternoon by none other than Paul G on his birthday. Wonderful birthday present to say the least. I was fortunate enough to be on hand to assist in recovering and releasing this super fish. Certainly the largest salmon I have seen banked by a rod at Somerley. I would estimate the cock fish to be in the 33 to 35 pound range, it was just an immense and solid fish. I've put the two photos up as the first shows the detail, although a great deal of the fish remains submerged and the fish is laying in a curve. The release shot gives a better impression of its length, which along with its depth and width was staggering. Congratulations Paul, the fish of a lifetime and a perfect example of what this river is capable.
Red-eyed Damselfly.
The meadows remain flooded and the wildfowl and waders are making the most of it. There must have been five or six broods of Mallard enjoying the rich pickings. There are twenty Lapwing and eleven Black-tailed Godwits visible in teh second shot. The third showing the rich vegetation encouraged by the silt and water.
The Black-tailed Godwits feeding amongst the kingcups and a drake Wigeon that shouldn't be here at this time of year.
The oxbow is beginning to green-up and hide the scars of last autumns clearing. The millions of minnows and the big chub are still in residence but they have been joined by thousands of dace and chub.
3rd June
Over a week later than last year but they have at least arrived with half a dozen in one small area I searched today.
Could I just remind syndicate members that there is no coarse access to the river for either spotting or pre-baiting before the 16th June. Salmon fishing is difficult enough at present without pools being disturbed by silhouttes on the bank and piles of boilies and pellets raing down on the lies.
2nd June
I should start by congratulating Paul on another fish this morning in the shape of a 12 pounder taken on the Devon Minnow and that's a far safer way to return them! Good result Paul, that one was well thought out and fully deserved. I just have to mention an odd scenerio that came to mind as a result of yesterday's shot of Paul up to his neck in the river. The still was from a Pro Cam, or some such device, which Paul sticks in the bank when he hooks a fish to record all the action. In conjunction with the camera strapped to the side of his head he edits the resulting footage to produce his videos. Such a set up has the potential to produce the best documented drowning in history!! So just be careful when the excitement of the battle and the rush to return the fish is happening thats not a video one wishes to see on You Tube!
Interesting shot of a few of the geese. Its interesting in so much as they play a role in the management of the meadows that would have been the result of the rabbit population in years gone by. With the dramatic reduction of rabbit nukbers the meadows run the risk of becoming overgrown with coarse grass and dense vegetation. The trick is to ensure the grazing geese do not over do their role and strip too much of the grass and leave too dense a covering of droppings. The trick seems to be to catch the broods out on the bank and pick up one or two of the goslings causing mayhem with the honking adults. Once dropped back the goslings quickly rejoin the group and things soon settle down as they all gather out on the lake. The benefit of adopting such a tactic is that the adults are then reluctant to graze too far from the water and safety. The lakeside becomes cropped short but the grasses further out remain undamaged for the benfit of the Meadow Browns and Marbled Whites.
The middle shot captures a female Reed Bunting with a beak full of damsel flies destined to be fed to her nearby brood. Just to make you aware you may see Brenda over at Meadow looking for the Reed Buntings as she does the Reed Warblers at Mockbeggar.
The righthand shot clearly illustrates the effect of the layering that was undertaken last winter. At the time of cutting the trees it looked like a case of vandalism as we left them where they fell, still attached at the bottom and the heads left untrimmed. The photo clearly shows the effect of light and keeping the deer off as dense swathes of plants quickly take advantage of the conditions.
1st June
The start of spinning notched up a couple of those inaccessible fish that manage to avoid the fly. Stephen(Mr Consistent)Hutchinson managed his second of the year with a fresh 12 pounder but today's honours went once more to Paul with his fourth in the shape of a cock fish of 25 pounds. The stills from Paul's video show the width of the fish whilst being played and returned. I do not recommend going to such length to ensure a safe return but pleased to report both angler and fish survived unscathed. Well done to both rods and thanks for the photos Paul.
Worth recording as the first Meadow Brown of the year showed up today despite the showers and overcast conditions. The rain of recent days has been the saving grace of our acres of newly planted grass seed. Fingers crossed if we see a further dry spell this summer it will be sufficiently well rooted to survive it.
31st May
I had hoped for a pic of a real salmon to put up, unfortunately as they remain as rare as hens teeth 'Tizards Salmon' will have to do, so called as it is carved from a piece of spalted hawthorn removed from Tizards Pool at Ibsley. I just need to catch the attention of the salmon rods with a couple of reminders. Firstly please keep an eye on the Knappmill temperature guide if we have a return to these record high temperatures. We have already passed the critical 18 degrees mark but the return to more seasonally normal temperatures have seen the water cool to make fishing safe once more. Second point is simply that we start spinning tomorrow, so beware flying ironmongery!
I did actually attempt to get a salmon pic myself in that I took my floating line out of storage to fish through a couple of pools. Despite the river looking spot on and actually seeing a fish come clear of the water I failed to make contact but thoroughly enjoyed getting the kinks out of the line and my casting.
One of the pools I visited the other evening was up at Hucklesbrook. This combined two subjects in that it also allowed me to have a look at the floods after they were topped up by the recent rain. The Madarin brood was still up there chasing the huge hatch of buzzers that can be seen rising from the surface in the photo. The presence of the dozen Mandarin drakes prompted a little thought as to why they and so many fallow deer should invade us at the weekend. I think it is probably something to do with the fact I have never seen the forest as busy as last weekend. Wherever you looked there were people and dogs going in all directions. That very fact alone was probablby sufficient for the local deer and duck population to up sticks and head for our place to avoid the disturbance. Their presence is very much a mixed blessing. The drakes have little impact but fifty or sixty fallow certainly do. Apart from the number of ticks they probably left for me to pick-up they also trashed the reed beds where our warblers and wildfowl are doing their best to raise the next generation.
The second shot captures the courtship display of the Grebe and the pitch battle of the Coots as they dispute their territories. Shortly after I took that shot a hundred head of cattle and horses came galloping through the knee deep water like some misplaced scene from the Carmargue.
The electric fence is down at Blashford and is part of the onging breeding wader research the GWCT are undertaking, don't try and climb over it! Access to the pool is unaltered around the fenceline other than a slight detour to reach the upstream bridge over the ditch.
At first glance just one of our Mute Swan pairs with a brood of eight cygnets but I see trouble ahead! If you look closely at the second cygnet from the left it is in fact a Canada goose gosling. The family seem to have adopted it dispite the occasional close examination by the cob. Just how long that situation exists will be interesting to see.
28th May
Is it any wonder I pick up so many ticks! This is just the lads, there are a further thirty plus does with their fawns about somewhere. On a serious note the presence of so may deer inevitably means ticks so check yourself over thoroughly after fishing. If you are bitten and it developes the classic 'Bulls-eye/Polo' ringed inflamations of Lymes Disease, off to the docs immediately. Its far from a given being bitten means Lymes, which is just as well as I've been bitten hundreds of times but there have been an increased number of incidents locally. Catch it early and its not a problem, a course of antibiotics will sort it out - the key is catching it early.
Bit of a bug fest, with the Cardinal Beetle to follow the Stag Beetles of the other evening. There were a dozen Mandarin drakes beside the lake when I walked around at lunchtime, enjoying some lads time I guess. Finally just a nice shot of a dragonfly and a damsel in attendance.
The Blue tits in the front garden and the answer to why we had no resident Blue tit around at the back door. Not perhaps the most user friendly occupant but if we remember they're in there hopefully we can co-exist.
27th May
I don't have to go far to find these incredible creatures. A quarter of a mile walk down the road outside our house and at least a dozen flew by.
26th May
Woodcock count, Text to follow.
The ox-bow we cleaned out last autumn seems to have provided the sanctuary for the fry it was designed to protect. The entire channel is bursting with millions of fry, unfortunately most are minnows but it does prove it works. Not surprisingly several large chub can be seen swimming lazily through the fry shoals. As could a large carp, just what its intentions toward the fry were I couldn't decide.
The right bank of Park Pool clipped up and looking tidy. For some reason Park seems to slip off my radar when it comes to strimming it out. Despite being being a central pool I suppose its because we cut the track through to Comber with the swipe and most of the fish come from the left bank. Not that's any excuse and I was reminded of my failings in a conversation with one of the members. If I remember the conversation correctly it went along the lines of if I strimmed it, a fish would come, 'Pool of Dreams' over to you Julian!
The ox-eye daisies over at Mockbeggar were worth a shot and I have to say I was pleased to see them in flower for I was beginning to think they would be scorched off before getting to this stage. The flowers in the paddocks could almost be heard to sigh as the recent rain settled the dust. Lets hope we see showers at regular intervals through the coming months to keep our green and pleasant land.
More of our wonders in teh form of a maturing Scarce chaser, a mayfly that has avoided the Black-headed Gulls that fill the valley these days and an Osprey that has been with us for a day or two. It spends a great deal of its time sat up on the dead branches on the willows that stand beside Park pool. I haven't got close enough to see whether its ringed. If its still with us next week I'll sneak up on it and try to get a closer look at its legs.
More of the flooded meadows up on the marsh and a pair of Great-crested grebe. Whether they are connected but we have four pairs of grebe in the mile or so of river that bounds the marsh. Recent years have seen the number of pairs nesting on the river in that beat drop down to one pair. Fingers crossed the return is sustained and they become regular breeders once more on that section of river.
25th May
The flooded meadows up at Hucklesbrook are such a rare occurance I think they deserve a second look. To the list of birds I mentioned in yesterday's post can also be added two pairs of Common Tern attempting to nest on an exposed mud bar. The first brood of Mandarin I've spotted this season were also enjoying the rich feeding the floods are providing.
Little news on the salmon front other than I did failed to mention the Bob Stone landed a bright sixteen pound fish from Blashford the other day. With fish being so precious this season every one is a triumph, well done Bob, well fished.
Whilst on the topic of salmon I have been considering just why we don't see more fish landed from the bottom end of the fishery in pools such as the 'Humps' and 'Below the Cut-through'. Its simple, they just don't get sufficient attention. Given the fact this season isn't a good year to look for fish in unfamiliar places I don't expect great things in the remaining month or so but please bear the bottome end in mind, I'm sure it holds fish.
To finish, a selection of pix taken in recent days showing just some of the wonders that surround us every day on the lakes.
22nd May
Just where this weather intends to lead us is anyones guess. We still have flooded meadows yet the recent sun and wind has dried the ground in other areas to the point of being scorched. Pollen rich plants that have yet to flower are turning brown and shrivelling amidst the brittle grass.
The North Marsh remains flooded where we would normally expect grazing livestock at this time of year. The number of bird species present, enjoying the floods is quite spectacular. When I took the photos there were present; Greenshank, a pair of Shoveler, five Shelduck, four Ringed Plover and over fifty Gadwall. Also present were Redshank, displaying Garganey, Black-tailed Godwit, Oystercatcher, Mallard, Teal and our ever present swans and geese. Add a couple of pairs of Skylark, Kingfisher, Hobby and a dozen Lapwing all in all adding up to quite a rare habitat.
Bringing me very appropriately on the just where we are heading with the future demands on the Avon Valley after the dreaded Brexit. I did, just in the nick of time, get a submission into Michael Gove's the future of Agriculture after Brexit consultation. I believe I sent it off with 24 hours remaining. On reflection and re-reading it after the event I probably wasn't hard enough in my recommendations with regard to the way forward. From the river and the valley's perspective the consultation was difficult in that it attempted to look at agriculture in isolation. Other land use and the demands of society on our valley seemed to be considered seperately as opposed to a holistic whole. Aquaculture, abstraction, sewage disposal all add to the agricultural pesticides and fertilizers that we ask our river to deal with. The government has effectively emasculated our regulators in the form of the EA and NE through funding cuts and with Brexit looming the cry from the farming community that it needs to feed the people has a chilling ring to it. I say that in light of the now recognised fact, well established over the preceeding fifty years, farming and industry cannot be trusted to act responsibly when it comes to protecting the environment. Call it financial expediency, self interest or pure greed, the well being of our environment receives scant consideration when the financial chips are down. That oft heard sound bite of 'the polluter pays' again rearing its ugly head in the consultation document, should contain the caveat unless in the name of societies needs. Politically dressed up as the needs of agriculture and the water industry. It'll be a brave politician that says we should put a ring fenced environmental levy on water abstraction, pesticides and artificial fertilizers even if it puts the price of your shower and your loaf of bread up by a couple of pence. The really sad thing is that I'm sure the public would support such a measure if they could only believe the politicians would leave the raised funds alone to safeguard our environmental future.
What you may well ask has this to do with our enseasonally boggy field full of birds, bugs and bees? Its simple in that I can control the water level on that field through the operations of hatches and gates, in dry years replicating our current floods. This is the dilemma facing all of farming, be it chalk downland or valley mire, in that to do so would lower the agricultural viability, hence asset value, hence financial return on the land. The stewardship schemes that have been introduced go some way to follow this course but in reality barely scratch the surface. The gist of my submission was that we need a new way to assess the importance of land and the measure by which compensation is paid. This new way should have the environment as its priority and be independent of government and industrial influence. Independent NGO's exist that are more than capable of eveluating land use and various agencies and NGO's capable of determining fair farm payments. It just remains to see where our Minister will take us, you never know he may surprise us.
I've been down bashing the pools into shape at the southern end of the fishery today. I have to say the 'Humps' looked absolutely spot on. Why this pool doesn't produce more salmon is a source of mystery to me, it looks perfect. If you are down that end don't forget to have a cast of the concrete croy below the weir. its belwo the 100m exclusion so well worth a visit. The middle shot looking down stream shows the power lines in the distance. If you do fish the lie opposite the sub station, down to the pipe, beware of the overheads. We have repeatedly requested clarification from SSE of the extent of the risk involved with those cables. One engineer telling us they were all insulated conductors and posed no risk, another saying thats not so and not to go near them. Trying to get a straight answer from anyone in SSE is a pretty hopeless cause but as long as they are happy with us being there we must assume they are safe. That said I personally would not feel happy sticking 18 foot of carbon rod up alongside that 11000 volt cable so be careful.
Whilst down the bottom end I also strimmed out the weir, where I could that is! The EA in all their magnificence have dragged a load of debris out of the weir and dumped it up on the bank. I have strimmed a path around it and you can still fish the run above the hatches, unfortunately the last ten meters or so, down to the lie, is blocked by their rubbish. I would complain but Ringwood weir is different, as the young lady told me last time I called "We must be doing fine as no one complains" good means of assessment, must remember it. I'll take a saw down and chop it out tomorrow hopefully. I see the gates are also on their kayak setting, with a large air gap to encourage paddlers to run the gates. Might prove interesting in an open canoe! Power companies, water companies, EA, Land registry, Highways, all simply look on fishery and our water environment as an unfortunate inconvenience and appear to do their best to ignore us where ever possible.
And finally......here's an unusal pic, showing Brenda of warbler fame clutching a fine looking carp. How you may ask could such a photograph be obtained?. Not as though you can get a ring on any of its apendages! The answer lies in the nature of the member behind the camera. Who else would ask a passing ornithologist if she wouldn't mind holding this for a minute! Brenda went on to return the service a couple of hundred meters along the bank when she photographed a 34.15 for a member.
That explains it, Chris holding a fine looking 22+ one of four or five he had yesterday morning. Great pix Chris and well fished, thanks for sending them through.
15th May
Paul still catching even when his visits have been curtailed of late through gardening duties taking priority. Good fish, congratulations Paul and thanks for the photo, which fortunately Colin Goh was on hand to do the honours with the camera.
14th May
The perfect summer salmon, a bright cock fish, sunny summer day, in a river in tip top condition, what more could you ask. Congratulations Julian, delighted to be onhand to witness your success. The second photo illustrates the problems of returning fish on the soft, crumbly banks of the Avon straight into deep water. Always make sure you are safe before dealing with the fish. Just in front of Julian's hand you can see the circular wound where a lamprey has been attached. The second instance this season we have seen lamprey on the fish.
From the footfall on the bank it doesn't look as if Lake Run has been receiving a great deal of attention this season. It has always been a productive run and is worth a vist in is own right but should you be down at Cabbage Garden don't forget to check it out..
11th May
I've been up before five for the past three mornings attempting to locate a Bittern that had been booming out in the valley reed beds. Unfortunately the bird had different ideas and I haven't heard so much as a peep, let alone a boom. It wasn't a total lost cause, sunrise at this time of year is a wonderful time to be in the valley as the bird world goes about the business of proclaiming territories and nest building. Add in time spent sorting out my bees, digging the allotment and a couple of hours this evening fruitlessly fishing Above and Below the Breakthrough, today has been fully occupied.
At least the stillwaters continue to produce the goods as this cracking shot of Dave Watkins with a 25 plus common illustrates. I may not have managed to add to the salmon return but Richard Murawski fared better with a bright 16 pounder. Salmon are so few and far between this season I have attached Richard's 'fish in a net' shot to provide a little encouragement.
11th May
I'd almost forgotten what the banks actually looked like they have been submerged for so long. Today was the first time in months the water has dropped back sufficiently and the mud has dried enough to support me, enabling me to get on to the banks and begin the process of clearing up after the floods. There are still areas where access remains difficult for other than the brave at heart but with wellies and care the majority is now fishable. The left bank at Island Run and Blashford are probably the most awkward but even these are worth a visit and I stress again, with care. If I manage to get the majority of the pools clipped up next week that should leave us with a month of good flows, good visibility, no weed and fingers crossed a few fish in the system. It can't get much worse so fingers crossed they show up and we may yet see a decent end to the season.
8th May
Given the fishing wasn't up to much this weekend the shot above perhaps better captures the mood in that it shows the rams looking smart with their winter coats removed. I imagine Phil shearing them came as a great relief after such record temperatures over the last day or two.
6th May
The scorching sun of the last couple of days has at least allowed the Grannom to hatch on mass instead of the dribs and drabs of the previous three weeks. The carp have also taken advantage of the heatwave with a second burst of spawning activity in the shallow bays. The last shot is the pair of Lesser Black-backs I featured a week or two ago, waiting for the water level to drop and expose their nesting island. Well its seems they couldn't wait and have built a nest on the smallest hump of clay that breaks the surface in the north lagoon. I will be amazed if they are successful on such an exposed site. They may of course just be having a dry run in readiness for their delayed start!
3rd May
Just a couple of pix from today in the shape of a small Sand martin colony up in one of the quarries. The second shows a couple of Hawthorn flies always a favourite with the fish and the fishermen.
Many of you will know this doe, which is quite relaxed about our travels around the fishery. If you look closely you will see, even in this poor shot taken with the mobile, she has her new fawn at foot. She will hide the tiny creature in the long grass and scrub to avoid attracting attention to it.Should you come across any fawns in the coming weeks please give them as wide a berth as possible and definitely don't touch or interfere with them.
1st May
That's more like it, we saw three salmon landed on the fishery today making it seem a little more as it should be at this time of year. Congratulations to Colin Morgan on a brace, which go a long way toward making up for the brace he dropped earlier in the year. He also lost a third today, which is probably just as well as the shock to my system of a triple after the dearth of fish in recent weeks would have been all too much. Having said that Rob Smyth also caught today adding a well deserved third to the tally. Well done both, congratulations on a good day and cheering up a depressed river keeper!
So it starts! Kevin and Phil begin the first cut of the Lower Park as the ground eventually dries out sufficiently to support the tractors. Job done and looking a great deal tidier for the effort, as the river catches the light in the middle distance complimenting the scene.
With all these fish in the river I made up the rod and headed for the river this evening in the hope of opening my account. As I arrived in the car park, at about seven oclock, the temperature had taken a decided dip and the wind was strengthening, things didn't look quite as appealing as they had earlier in the day!
This is the herd of youngsters just north of the car park at Ellingham, I can assure any nervous rods that they are completely friendly. Unfortunately that doesn't stop them being a complete pain in the arse as they tried to eat my net, covering me in snot and slime in the process, bless-um! As for a stealthy approach to the river in an effort to avoid spooking the fish, forget it. Hopefully they are used to the cattle and don't notice the alien angler. I would advise that any members with dog permits do not take dogs into any of the fields with cattle. This lot will just be curious but the suckler herd that will be out in the meadows south of the drive in the next week or two have to be treated with considerably greater respect.
30th April
The Swifts are back and have checked out the nestboxes. Hopefully the newly built cabinet will soon be inspected by the next generation in search of sites to call their own for the next decade or more.
The water height at the East Mills Flume is below the spinning trigger level. Please keep an eye on the flume website if you intend to bring a spinning rod.
29th April
It was a BBS (Breeding Bird Survey) day today. An early start as I walk the fixed route for the first time this year. It would seem many of the summer migrants have yet to arrive as I failed to record any Sedge or Reed Warblers or any Swifts, Martins or Swallows. I did hear two Cuckoos calling and later in the morning there were plenty of Swifts, Martins and Swallows but the fixed early start makes life difficult. Some of the nests are easier to find than others, the swan doesn't take much spotting but the sitting Robin in the second shot is a great deal more difficult. Its within a foot of the branch I have marked the nest site with yet remains almost invisible. If you look at the vegetation in the third shot you may be able to locate the nest.
Rummaging about in the garage I came across these pots of floats on a top shelf. Almost the entire history of my coarse angling can be traced through those pots. Fine antenna floats for the stillwater roach on the inside shelf in choppy conditions, which accounted for my first three pounder. Quills and thick bodied balsa trotting floats that helped find those wonderful Avon roach of the 70's and 80's.
26th April
I suppose today was best described as classic April showers but I'm not sure the deluge I was caught out in comes as a classic shower! I had occasion to visit the woodland, which is cloaking itself rapidly in vibrant green. The scars left by our timber extraction just weeks ago are already fading as light floods down onto the woodland floor stimulating new growth. A Red Kite kept me under close scrutiny as I passed by as the Goshawks slipped silently away from their nest and disappeared into the shadows. Beside the track, both on my outward and home bound travels, a pair of Hawfinch were distracted collecting scraps to their liking. Despite close examination I couldn't find either food or nesting material that would cause them to drop their guard as I approached within feet of them. It would be nice to think we may soon have a brood in one of the stands of Hornbeam close by, which I believe to be one of their preferred trees.
An all too rare a sight this season to date. Michael Long opening his Somerley account with a fine, bright cock fish. As well as capturing the delight of this evenings success the photo also shows that the fields where Michael is standing and out beyond him are still well under water in places. Waders are the choice of the day but the rewards for braving the floods are worth it. Congratulations Michael and thanks for sending through the photo Guy, great result.
The lambs are looking well despite the less than kind weather that greeted their arrival in to the world. Phil helping Frida and Anne feed the orphans and the two rams totally unaware of the upheaval they have created in Phil and Millie's life. Orphans are an inevitability of lambing with quads and triplets being too much for some of the ewes to cope with. They may be a constant call on time and energy but as long as its not me having to get up to feed them I do enjoy seeing them scooting about the stables.
With almost as many geese as Kingcups enjoying the unseasonal water I was considering arranging to oil some eggs to reduce numbers but it looks as if I may be too late. I can't say I'm sorry, I have never enjoyed controlling species deemed undesirable at this time of year, its seems alien to my long rural upbringing. They provide good wildfowling sport in the winter, in keeping with the rural calendar, it just remains for the guns to shoot more. You know who you are, mentioning no names! The meadows remain flooded but at least one or two spots are struggling to put on the wonderful seasonal show of Kingcups.
20th April
Nice shot of a peacock butterfly on one of the many Bird Cherries that have been planted at Mockbeggar.
Just one or two shots to capture today in teh form of a cock Chaffinch collecting food for nestlings. Cuckoo pint or Lords and Ladies, what ever you choose to call them there are thousands now coming into bloom all around the lakes. the final shot captures a male Blackcap singing his heart out in an effort to impress the ladies. Blackcap numbers seem buoyant at the moment, lets hope it continues in a similar fashion.
19th April
New arrivals on one of the woodland ponds in the form of the first Goosander brood of the year. I was aware she had a nest close by as we had seen her out for her early morning constitutional flights around the park when we were out with the ewes. Interestingly Pete Littleworth text me that he had seen a brood down on the river at Ellingham this evening, which may well have been the same brood. He also reported the first cuckoo of the year, calling down at Ashley, which hopefully is the final proof we need that summer is at last arriving. Thanks Pete, pity no fish to add to the report!
Andy Jackson was enjoying today's sunshine when this 27 common joined in, making a fine addition to a perfect day.
It wasn't only Andy out enjoying the sunshine, his intended quarry seemed to appreciate the sudden lift in temperature. There is something similar in the last two shots in that they both show that we have some way to go before we have the stock levels at a point where we will be happy. The middle shot is a shoal of bream in Meadow, where several similar shoals could be seen dotted about the lake. The final shot shows about a dozen commons, which were part of a couple of hundred I spotted enjoying the sun today. Of those fish I would estimate 75% still need to be removed, so we still have quite a way to go.
17th April
What a great shot, Lewis's smile perfectly capturing the magic of such a bright Avon cock fish. At this point the bank high water, the mud and goo in the fields were just minor inconveniences. Well fished Lewis, braving the river with the fly under such conditions deserves every hard earned reward. Thanks for the photo, very much appreciated.
13th April
An entry just to keep readers updated with the state of the river. The East Mills Flume measurement is still way over the spinning height and the river is still way over the Harbridge road and the bund between the bridge and the weir at Ibsley. At 21.82 on the water height gauge beside the bridge buttress the Bridge Pool looks like possibly the most likely fish holding water on the estate, definitely one for the carefully presented Devon.. The snails in the water meadows have taken to the higher ground and every stalk that remains above water. Finally, I recognise the tree that is caught on the Ringwood Weir I just can't remember where it was previously hung up. Was it the one in Sydney Pool or from Penmeade, it may have been the one from Blashford Island. Where ever its from its a pointer to the possibility of changes in some of the pools that we may find when this water eventually drops back. One other change is that the old canoe that has moved from "Harbridge Corner" to "Park Pool" to "Blashford Island" over the past ten years, was last seen grounded just "Above the Break Through" I'll be interested to see just where it finishes up after the flood.
Up on higher ground, the lambs are looking well and growing by the day and the primroses are also putting on a brave show in the previously thinned woodlands.
11th April
I don't want to even think about the height of the river, to say its running at unseasonal levels just doesn't go near to describing events in the valley. We will have to wait and see just what the impact of such a flood will be but one immediate blip is that the Kingcups that should be creating a mass of yellow in the meadows are under a foot of water! Just what is to become of our salmon season remains the question on many lips.
Whilst the valley is flooded the lakes are high but remain fishable. They are also endeavouring to bring a little normality to the season with the wildlife of the surrounding meadows getting on with business as normal where ever possible. The photos above are related in that they both show the next generation. Firstly young rabbits grazing the new growth under the canopy of trees felled to keep the deer from over grazing the scrub and some of that new growth in the form of a mass of cowslips. Pleasingly the cowslip population is expanding across several of the paddocks at a satisfying rate, lets hope the rabbits don't have them on the menu. One of the important roles of those rabbits is to be part of the menu for our many raptors and carnivores. The rabbit population has long been the staple diet of creatures such as the fox and Buzzard. If that population is under pressure from diseases such as myxomatosis or hemorrhagic disease the balance is thrown out of kilter as other species become predated at a higher rate. Just going to add further proof that Nature's never as simple as it may at first glance appear.
The link below connects to one of Paul Greenacre's video. As I'm sure most of you know Paul goes festooned with multiple recording device to film the salmon he catches. The video below isn't of one of his many successes with the rod but of a chance encounter with the family of otters down at Ringwood weir. Regulars down at Lifelands and the weir will be familiar with this family but I for one have never seen them put on such a prolonged show. Great video Paul, well filmed.
Otter footage
7th April
Spot the salmon rod; to say he deserves a fish is an understatement! The North Marsh at Hucklesbrook currently has more in common with the North Sea. The river is slowly dropping back but it will take several more days if not weeks to clear the flood plain. The Lapwing and Redshank would normally be well underway with their nesting just what the impact of this flood will be is anyones guess. Will the birds wait for the flood to recede or will they move out of the valley onto drier ground? The Curlew have been moving north and having to make their usual stop with us at the shallower northern extreme of the marsh, twenty one were up on the top meadow last week. This weeks oddity has been the appearance of several Garganey. We often get the odd one drop in as they move through to their breeding grounds, this year we have at least seven moving up and down the valley.
5th April
What a wonderful day. Its quite amazing how much better I feel with a little sunshine on my back and judging by the response of the wildlife I have bumped into on my travels today so do a great many other creatures. The river has actually continued to rise and spread further out across the valley, which without the sunshine would have been a pretty depressing turn of events. As it turned out in the sunshine we were able to move the ewes and lambs back into the paddocks. Soon looking more like the lambing paddocks we had envisaged, contented ewes and lambs resting with bellies full of grass and milk. All seemed well with the world.
Despite the sunshine the river still remains out in the valley making access very tricky. At least the woods took on a carpet of colour as the celandines caught the sun and the ewes even sought shade in the early afternoon.
To add to my feeling of goodwill to all men and those of you that know me will realise how rare an event that is, Peter Littleworth rang to tell me Paul Greenacre was into a fish on the far bank, upstream of Ellingham. Keen to get a shot or two I set off for the pool in question, the realisation that my Wellington boots were not going to be man enough for the job dawned as I worked out the quickest route to reach him. I did have a pair of chest waders in the back but I had managed to poke a hole in them when I was chainsawing up some semi-submerged timber a couple of days ago. If I wanted a photo it was going to mean I was in for a soaking! Luck was on my side as I pulled up and was dragging the soggy waders out of the truck the phone rang and Peter told me the fish had already been released. I have to admit feeling relieved at not having to wade across several hundred meters of flooded valley to record the capture. I'm sure Paul will have more than adequately recorded every possible angle for another video where I can catch up on events. As it turns out Paul took the fish on the same pattern fly as his earlier Dog Kennel fish, yellow remains the key to success it seems. Also the stamina to wade about in that flood helps considerably well done Paul, if you did well with that first fish this one takes on a totally new dimension under present conditions.
Paul with his second salmon of the season taken under the most difficult conditions. Congratulations paul and thanks for the photos Peter.
The first week of the butterfly transects and the lunchtime sun was just what the doctor order, absolutely spot on.
Finally one of Nature's anomolies in the form of a Wood pigeon squab that was walking about in the garden today. If you take the 18 days incubation and about 30 days to fledge that makes it a nest in the rain and snow of February proving it takes more than a little inclement weather to stop Wood pigeons.
4th April
Phil keeping an eye on events in the lambing shed. We had intended to lamb outside but this unseasonal weather has rather forced our hand. The thought of trying to sort out the ewes and keep the lambs warm in the pouring rain, in flooded paddocks, doesn't bear thinking about.
3rd April
Despite the high water I did see three or four salmon rods out to experience the Avon floodwaters at the weekend. Interestingly, despite being well above the spinning threshold, the majority were still using the fly. Credit to all you brave souls, if it were up to me you would each land a Springer of at least thirty pounds! No matter how much rain we get one thing is for certain and that is the lambs will be arriving this week. They are due and there is no stopping them. The photo is the first arrival this morning, being meticulously cleaned up by the ewe in the relative warmth and safety of the lambing shed. Finally Jack proving that he has the touch when it comes to Mockbeggar, here holding one of a couple of twenty plus fish he landed last week. Well done Jack and thanks for the photos.
Whilst many of the resident birds are now well underway with their nesting this pair of Lesser Black-backs are having to wait for the water to drop to expose the island where they nested last year. It could be some time! The bumblebees are also having a rough time of it as the large queen bees seek this years nest sites the cold and wet are making life pretty unbearable.
31st March
The river continues to rise so keep an eye on the East Mills flume website for the latest info, especially as we have more rain forecast in the week ahead. With the Somerley Lakes complex closing for a rest period Mark Browning finished in style with this 38+ mirror. Nice way to finish Mark, congratulations on a cracking fish and thanks for the photo. If the ground ever dries out we will be rebuilding several of the roads and swims so fingers crossed for a few weeks without rain in the next month or two.
30th March
I'm beginning to feel this weather is my fault as I spent most of last autumn praying for the seasonal floods to clean up the gravels that never came. When the rain did arrive, at a time when we might expect the coldest time of year in late January we were definitely pleased to see it, as it held out the hope of a good flow for the new salmon season. I now think we have received quite enough and could do with some seasonally warm spring weather instead. Woodside is bank high and by the time we get down to Blashford the water is out in the flood plain. Not only does it make access to the river difficult it also prevents us getting on with all the ground work and reseeding required to get the parks in good order for the coming summer events. Patch up and grade the roads to get rid of the potholes and perhaps most pressing at the moment is the lambing that is due to get underway within the next few days. We deliberately chose to run a flock of sheep that are best left to lamb outside as they are a particularly hardy breed. Hardy they might be but asking any creature to lamb in conditions such as we have endured in recent days is expecting a little much. Most of the paddocks and the majority of the parland is now saturated if not flooded and the forecast for the coming week to ten days tells of more rain to come. Plan "B" involved Kevin and Phil preparing the Dutch barn as an emergency maternity wing just to give the new arrivals a day or two without the rain on their backs.
28th March
Creating new lakes that may never become fisheries. Yesterdays otters supper at Mockbeggar in the shape of this socking great eel. I'm not speculating on its size but that's my size 9 next to it. The carp also came from Mockbeggar and was taken out in open water, at ten in the morning in a swim one of our anglers was actually fishing at the time. It was a fish of about 14 pounds so its not as if we can't afford to lose one or two at that size but there is no guarantee the next won't be 40 plus and worth three thousand pounds.
The photos above show new lakes taking shape out in the old quarry workings. Just what the future holds for such waters is the topic of much internal debate at present. One of the pressures that has to be taken into consideration is the ever increasing impact of our otter population. Is it worth the estate investing tens of thousands of pounds in stocks just to feed the otters. Numbers of otters on the estate are reaching numbers that must be nearing saturation point as we have dozens of them. Just what determines the size of an otters territory is not a fully understood equation. If we keep filling lakes with food I imagine they will just continue to expand their numbers making fisheries unrealistic. With our many trail cameras that are dotted about the estate for various reasons otters sightings are probably as frequent if not more so than foxes these days. Whilst we enjoy the presence of otters that have been with us for several decades, a population that continues to grow at an unlimited rate has serious connotations for the fishery. When the river is in flood or the water too cold for their favoured crayfish diet to be available, our fish stocks become a natural food source. We use the stock pond as a distraction that works to a certain extent but not a reliable means to safeguard stock that in many cases has an individual value in excess of two or even three thousand pounds for the larger specimens. I spend hours collecting buckets fulls of dog crap from a local kennel and covering the otter sprainting points and slides with as thick a layer as possible in an effort to keep them away from selected areas. It works for a while but again not reliable enough to guarantee protection of a multi-thousand pound investment. Fences I hear you all cry! Apart from the fact I hate the things as they divide the lakes from their natural surroundings not only keeping out otters but every other mammal the sightings of which make a days fishing a complete experience. I have seen so many miles of head waters totally destroyed by being fenced, instead of Defra getting farmers to control their stock levels, it beggars belief. The farming lobby won't wear that when it can have its subsidised cake and eat it too, some fluff chucker or maggot drowner can be left pick up the bill. There is also the little snag in that we would require sixteen and a half miles of fence to keep them out of our fisheries. Fence the lakes and forget the river? They're full of pesticides, phosphates, micro-plastics, rainbow trout and societies detritus anyway. Defra gave up any pretence of maintaining, improving and developing them, in line with their statutory duty, years ago. Excluding the otters from the lakes and forcing them onto the rivers will soon sort out our wonderful chub and barbel fishing and just about sound the death knell for our struggling salmon population. Thats what I mean, the dull bugger who came up with the idea of fencing fisheries needs to experience the real world beyond their myopic view out of the window of their ivory tower. All that policy does is let Defra and the EA conveniently off the hook. If we stocked with cows and a government policy gave rise to losses of stock and peoples livelihoods, such as the case with TB, Defra would compensate for the full value of the cow. If a fish that is worth twice as much as some over bred, inbred, milking machine gets taken they don't give a fig. They along with the EA, have washed their hands of the problem, hiding behind that conveniently erected otter fence.
That reminds me, thrice joy, I have to fork out £80 odd quid this week, to renew my government rod licence to pay for the protection my fisheries of choice receive!
Sights that will become a thing of the past if we fence the fishery.
24th March
Mike Stead with a fine looking cockfish, which amazingly had an unwanted passenger when it was landed. Responsible for the hole just behind the fishes pectoral fin a lamprey had held on throughout being landed and only came adrift in the net. That is a pretty disgusting looking set of teeth, they wouldn't look out of place in "Alien". The fish also had what appeared to be a large jaw impression on its flank with a single tooth mark, hopefully suggesting this fish is destined to reach the redds whatever befalls it. Thanks for the call Mike, most appreciated.
This is a photo I wasn't expecting to be able to show this year. It shows Dutch Elm Disease resistant 'Ademuz' and 'Lutece' elm cultivars, planted in the hope of providing a sustainable food source for our fragil White Letter Hairstreak butterfly population. I hadn't expected to be able to source them when I started to look this side of New Year, fortunately help was at hand from Andrew Brookes over at Portsmouth Uni who had all the necessary contacts and passports for the trees. The Estate were willing to purchase them, Natural England provided the necessary consents and hey presto, we have them in the ground a year earlier than I expected.
23rd March
Top and bottom of the estate today and whilst down the bottom I dropped in at the heronry to see how they were getting on. Its not a problem spotting the nests in the leafless trees but deciding which are occupied and which are empty is a little trickier. Unless of course there's a thumping great heron sat on it!
.......and up at the top. The Southern Marsh remains flooded proving attractive to the newly arrived Redshank, visiting Curlew and remaining Teal and Snipe. With Teal and Snipe in mind the Marsh Harrier is a regular visitor in search of food as it quarters the marsh in front of the Old Man and watching Wigeon and geese. Hovering for a closer look at something that catches its attention before moving of to search more of the rough ground and ditches.
22nd March
"Hooray" Congratulations to Paul who stayed on for a last cast by the Lodge and was rewarded with this super 18 pound cock fish. The first Springer of the year for the estate. A very fresh, bright fish, no lice but recently off the tide. Interestingly it had a deformed gill plate exposing the gill rakes but this didn't seem to detract from its fight or its enthusiasm to return to the river. Well done again Paul, perserverance justly rewarded.
Paul kindly sent through a pic of the fly that did the damage. I believe it's called a RS Allisters Gold. Thats as may be but I'm sure it looks very similar to that old time Avon favourite the "Avon Eagle" There's the clue, big, bold and fluffy yellow. If you look back to the diary entry for the 3rd April 2005 you will find Mike Twitchen's traditional dressing for the Avon Eagle. I'm sure there are tiers amongst you that could tie the modern equivalent.
21st March
The first colours of Spring are struggling to get going with the Coltsfoot and primroses putting on a brave show.
18th March
A roe buck watches from the shelter of the firs as I go by on my rounds.
The wretched stuff is back! I disliked it last time and I dislike it even more this time around. My morning round found just one stillwater member on the lakes. Sharing the desolate scene with a hundred and twenty Shoveler, which appeared to have left for their breeding grounds last week, reappeared today as if they had never left. On the river not a sign of a salmon rod, given the bank high water, brass monkey air temperature and biting downstream north wind, I'm not really surprised. Having said that the vis was remarkably good, with two or three feet clarity and I have a new line that needed a field test. I have to admit to being a real dinosaur when it comes to my fly lines, still preferring to use a double taper to aid my lazy approach to salmon fishing. Unfortunately the tackle trade seems to have decided that DT salmon lines are no longer available and I had invested in a state of the art Spey line. I have worked out that as the need for long casting isn't necessary on the Avon the forward taper on this particular line will allow me to continue with my minimal retrieve casting technique.
I headed home for a warming cup of coffee and to collect the net and rod before heading back up to have a look at Ibsley. Unfortunately the wind had failed to ease, if anything adding an extra edge. I walked downstream along the valley path, punching black foot prints through the virgin snow into the flooded meadow beneath. As I rounded the corner under the willows I was greeted by the sight of over forty swans on the tail of Tizard's. Not the most inspiring sight as they trashed the pool trying to avoid the resident cob who appeared intent on drowning any he could get hold of. Not to be daunted I made up the rod leaning on the willow and threaded my shiny new line before attaching an old Willie Gunn I had in the box. The gold tinsel in the body had come undone and had combined with the multicoloured wing, adding a bonus sparkle. Bound to catch in such water! Double Spey, single Spey, over head the new line didn't make a jot of difference, all I could do was a flat upstream loop under the wind and keep it low on the cast to try and avoid being blown out onto the field beside me. Passing flotillas of swans every five minutes added to the casting interest, the prospect of lassoing the angry cob certainly concentrated the mind. Despite the difficulties the river looked spot on and every cast down the tail of Ibsley and into the head of Tizards felt as if it should have found a fish. The height, pace and colour just couldn't have been any better, every cast deserved a solid pull. As it turned out it wasn't to be, I blame that mob of swans as I'm sure the river just had to be full of bright Springers.
More wretched snow, northerly wind and swans made for a tricky but strangely enjoyable hour.
My new line had performed as well as I could have expected but I didn't feel I had mastered its finely designed properties so perhaps a further pool was called for. I drove around to Ellingham and walked out across the field towards the run into the head of Gypsy. By the time I had crossed the field my right eye had brain freeze and my right hand carrying the rod was beginning to feel numb. Once around the corner at the tail of the pool I was in the shelter of the trees on the far bank and things were a little more comfortable. On under the power line and down towards Dog Kennel, the line was responding well and I was enjoying every cast. The run into Dog Kennel corner must have held a fish? For some reason it didn't take my fly, nor did the ones that must have been under that far bank as I fished through the pool and out of the tail. Oh well, that's fishing and I wouldn't change it for the world.
For some reason that Springer failed to take! Time, me thinks, for a reviving lunch of freshly made borscht and warm, buttery sourdough to clean up the bowl.
17th March
Andy Jackson with a fine looking Mockbeggar opening day common.
The toads spawning is in full swing with pockets of enthusiastic couples dotted around the lakes. The frogs finished several weeks ago yet the cold weather seems to have put hatching on hold as the spawn remains undeveloped in masses all around the lakes.
15th March
At least we enjoyed a river in good order and decent weather for the last day of the river coarse season as this morning the river is out in the fields again. Last night's rain brought the forest streams up over the fords within hours. The high colour of the forest soon reached the main river and today's salmon rods found a totally different river to that we enjoyed yesterday.
The migrants are moving north, I only hope its not too early in light of the forecast return of cold weather at the weekend. The majority of the wildfowl have left us and the garden birds are changing daily. Along with our resident Blackbirds, Redpolls, Brambling and Blackcaps are moving through with different birds arriving every day. Not the best shot through the window, which unfortunately makes the ring on the Blackcap illegible, so no recover this time around.
The douglas stands are starting to green up after the devastation of the recent thinning and as if to welcome spring the Goshawk were chanting in the depths of the wood and the Crossbills were calling from the top of the firs, it cut a fine picture in today's weak sunshine. A couple of days ago four Brimstones emerged from their overwinter hibernation to enjoy the sheltered warmth this suntrap beneath these mighty trees provides. We have a return to cold and snow forecast for the weekend lets hope after that Spring can get on with warming the rest of us.
I don't usually put up "Fish on a Net" shots but I am prepared to make an exception in the case of this fish. Its the 7.08 chub that Mike Skittrall landed on the last but one day of the season, which my earlier photos failed to do justice. The shot above was taken on Mike's camera and he sent it through today and I feel its deserves showing off as it captures the stature of this incredible fish.
14th March
Well thats the river coarse season behind us and it certainly went out in style. The chub catches have been simply staggering, with some fine barbel putting in a late appearance. I couldn't have wished for a better season, which is a rare thing to be able to say in this day and age in the angling world. Once I get the full feedback I'll try and put together a review of the year.
As the river coarse season finishes, the salmon season continues with nothing as yet to show for all the effort. I do have reports of lost fish that do nothing for my equilibrium but it least it shows there are one or two fish in the system! On the stillwater front Mockbeggar is opening, requiring the removal of the winter grazing stock and a general tidy up of the wind blown willow. Its at this point I have the anxious wait to see if we have got the level of grazing correct.
The paddocks have been subject to their winter haircut where we now have a month or so to wait to see if plants we wish to thrive have survived. The fauna we seek to promote is aimed chiefly at the invertebrates, which require a very diverse menu. The grassland for the Meadow Browns, Marbled Whites and Gatekeepers, the vetches, ox eye daisies, sorrel, nettles and dog violets for the Blues, Small copper, Comma, Peacock, Tortoiseshell and Fritillaries. Add in the requirements of the bumblebees and moths and we have a pretty long wish list so fingers crossed for a flower rich summer.
13th March
The penultimate day of the river coarse season.
I had a call this evening from Mike Skittrall hoping I was about the estate, close enough to take some pix of his new PB chub of 7.08. Fortunately I was only five minutes away and I was only too delighted to hop in the truck and head over to find him. What a fish, seven and a half pounds of gleaming perfection, I'm afraid the pix I took do not do that fish justice, it was simply stunning. Well done Mike, congratulations on your PB, it was a delight to see such a fish. The second is another cracking example of our Avon chub, caught by Steve Kenchington when he and fellow syndicate member Mark Sherborne came down last week. They spent their time with a single rod each roving the estate dropping traditional baits into chubby looking spots. Steve tells me they had over thirty chub between them, each managing a brace of sixes, with a 6.12 to Steve being the pick of the bunch. Simply amazing, is there any other river in the land that can produce such fishing. Be it trotted maggot or lumps of cheese paste on a size six what ever takes your fancy. One further point worthy of note is that certainly Mike's fish and if I'm not mistaken also Steve's fish were caught from swims that haven't had a bait cast into them all year. In today's pressured angling world that is a very rare event indeed.
Another shot of young Elian, this time with a skinny Jack that took his home made jelly lure. I'm reliably inform mum's none too pleased with the new found use for the micro-wave, with the associated smell of melting rubber. I suppose thats the modern day equivilent of us trying to hide our maggots in the fridge!
A couple of other recent shots. The first showing Mark Woodage's super looking 14.7 barbel from last week. Landed on double maggot, four pound line, to an eighteen hook required some delicate handling. Finally nostalgia day for me when I headed down to one of my favourite pools to enable me to say I did get to fish the river this season. In actual fact I fished it twice, once this morning for a couple of hours when I landed the same 8 to 10 pound Jack twice! Later I came back to catch the hen I had seen roll whilst landing the Jack for the second time! All in all, despite some low water temperatures and high water levels its been a good last few days. You've still got tomorrow if you wish to add your name to the role of honour so make the most of it.
12th March
For the sake of our Chalk Streams a petition that really does need our support
It only takes about thirty seconds

12th March
Its all happening in the world of fishery politics. As well as the T&I abstraction challenge once again we have the EA using the fisheries as an easy option to excuse its total failure to maintain, improve and develop our fisheries. If you are one of the readers who bothered to buy a rod licence last year you presumably will have been sent a copy of the proposed salmon and sea trout byelaws. If you look back to the 10th October last year you will see my disillusionment with the EA as a fishery protective body. I also commented on the byelaw consultation venting my frustration on the underfunded and effectively emasculated Fisheries Division.
Whilst you may agree with the coastal net restrictions further byelaw restrictions on the rods is simply box ticking. Totally incapable of evaluation, any perceived or statistically arranged improvement will be blindly attributed to their actions, as they desperately clutch at straws. A national approach is not the way forward for the rod fisheries. I have repeatedly said on here that the multidimensional, voluntary approach across the fisheries of the country will more likely find answers to the problems we face. The Rivers Avon & Stour were way ahead of the field in the introduction of catch and release. On a voluntary basis supported by rods and riparian owners. Salmon haven't been killed on these rivers by either rod or net for well over two decades, yet we see further national restrictions being seen as the way forward and the answer to our problems.
What is even more depressing is the latest publication on the micro plastics front, that surely points to a more likely culprit, or at least a clue to the problems with the water quality we expect our fish to spawn in. Ask any commercial hatchery manager, whose livelihood is dependent on his output, to hatch his fry using Avon water. I doubt he would bother to reply, yet our fish are totally dependent on the water that the river carries and society use to dispose of their chemical waste. I mentioned that back in the October entry and it would seem the curses of society are most definitely coming home to roost. What is so depressing about the plastics issue, apart from the fact our larval stage fry eat the bloody stuff, is that compared to some of the chemical pollutants its hardly difficult to spot. I'll put up the link to the paper so I'm not alone in being fed-up with the level of protection our rivers receive from Defra.
Plastics in our rivers
Plastics, antibiotics, endocrine disruptors, phosphates, what levels impact on the invertebrates?
There are two or three further issues that will raise their ugly heads in the not too distant future but for the time being that should sufficiently depress everyone. I do my best to hide away in the estate and run the finest and most diverse fishery in the land but attached to that role comes the politics. I spent thirty years running around in circles as the government did its best ignore our problems along with its statutory obligations. Just how priorities can be assigned when lobbiests with self interest and political expediency drive our political masters is a problem beyond my resolve. Calling on those that wish to over abstract and pollute our rivers, to supply societies needs, to pay for the damage they inflict will take a different breed of politician than those we have today.
9th March
Despite the rain the lads felling the tall douglas fir beside the power line are making good progress. These trees threaten the power supply and have to go, to be replaced with native hardwoods. To give an idea of the scale thats a fifteen ton machine and the tree centre shot, just to the right of the machine, is over one hundred and twenty feet. Trees to be taken very seriously when felling them.
8th March
All sorts going on but little time to add much this evening, except a note to the pike lads who are running low on dead baits "Yon troots r oot" The river has plenty of suitable size rainbows if you have a pint of maggots and a couple of hours to spare next years supply of deads is assured! Just in time for the smolt run so just have a second look before you clout it on the head. The EA are aware :-(
6th March
Yesterday despite a rising, coloured river, full of melt water and salt from the roads, Mark found a steady paced bend and managed a fine brace of chub on the float. The best of which at 6.05 can be seen in the photo above. Well fished Mark and many thanks for the super pic and the report.
5th March
Interesting shot taken by Mike Short of the GWCT whilst he was engaged in one of his surveys at the weekend. It shows a Water Rail eating a chublet, as to whether it caught it or found it the jury is still out. This begs all sorts of comments about fish eating birds but I shall resist the temptation! Thanks for the photo Mike, certainly a first for me.
4th March
I've just heard the sad news that Vic Beyer has passed away after his brave struggle against his long illness.
Vic enjoying the margin feeding carp.
Vic epitomised the very best in traditional angling both on the lakes, with a float just inches from the margins as he sought out tench and carp, or on the rivers trotting for his beloved roach. Always supportive of any initiatives that protected the lakes and rivers he so loved, giving freely of his time and experience. Our thoughts and condolences are with his family at this sad time.
Vic Beyer, he will be missed by his many close friends in the angling world.
WeBS day started early as I counted the Cormorants and Herons as they arrived for their breakfast. Although not the patch that I count I did call at Mockbeggar at lunchtime to check the livestock and whilst there couldn't break the habit of counting the waterfowl. The Shoveler were busily engaged in their strange feeding groups, the particular group in the photo made up a total of over 250 on Mockbeggar today.
3rd March
I have a WeBS count tomorrow and it looks as if I may be in luck and this wretched snow will have gone. I didn't fancy finding our one hundred plus swans if I had to pick them in out in the snow drifts!
2nd March
The top and bottom lines are the birds seeking a drink from the pond at home; armchair birdwatching but little satisfaction from seeing the struggle they face. Some of the thrushes, in particular the Redwings and Fieldfares, are looking as if this hard weather is causing some difficulty. The middle line illustrates that snow has absolutely no redeeming qualities or saving graces. The view across to the Forest only acts to remind that the Lapwing and Stonechat are struggling to find food and the Snipe are being forced onto the lake and ditch margins in the more sheltered spots.
1st March
Spot the bivvie, only the strong wind kept the lake from freezing over, the sheltered bays went yesterday. It was Frank's bivvie as he did last night in that minus God knows what temperature and driven snow and just to prove the point that Meadow has always been a good winter water he caught. A thirty plus at 32 or 33, I've forgotten which, a 29 and a mirror of around 17, possibly one of the new generation. I will be interested to see the photos when I next see Frank. The other shot is a reminder to keep the bird feed going little and often so they can keep the snow scratched away. At lunchtime today well over 200 birds were grateful for the helping hand.
27th February
Just what you like to find bobbing about in the hatches! "Poisson" poison, this stuff is only sold to professionals who have to sign for it and its only for use indoors. If it were empty it should have been washed out and sent to landfill. Its states; "unlikely to be hazardous to aquatic life." That's a cracker of a statement! I feel totally reassured having heard its "unlikely" to kill any aquatic life that ingest the grain. It goes on to say; "Prevent access to bait by children, birds and non-target animals, particularly dogs, cats, pigs and poultry." That's okay then, its unlikely to kill any barbel or roach that eat it, taking it for some of their favourite cereal food, so the professional involved just lobbed it in the river! Its probably serial number traceable but I haven't got the time or patience to hear the crock that the guilty party involved would come up with.
24th February
A bit of a bird day in that I have changed the wallpaper on my screens to the Wren, which I photographed through the front window out in the garden. I spent several hours before the rugby getting the Swift cabinet underway in an effort to cope with our expanding flock. Finally the Oystercatchers are back in the valley in preparation for nesting over at the lakes in the coming months.
23rd February
I am often told by syndicate members, as they head for the river at Harbridge, how much they enjoy seeing Robert Sampson out with his wonderful working Percherons. Today in the sunshine, as I passed on my rounds, Robert was working beside the drive with eight of his magnificent horses in hand. The wonderful scene almost took the breath away it was such a rural idyll it was beyond my ability to describe. As many of you know Anne is “horsey” and it was just too fine a sight for her to miss, requiring me to head home to collect her.
The sun continued to shine, Robert and his team remained hard at work and he kindly invited us to join him on the drivers seat. I have watched Robert, his wife Barbara and their family go about their work with the horses for many years yet today's experience served to reinforce just how close they work with the land they farm. The friable seed bed that enveloped the grain, as it began the journey to this years harvest, was perfection. What brought home the connection with the land was the flock of Wagtails that had found the freshly turned soil to provide rich pickings to keep them through the chilling cold of the coming nights. The well publicised decline of our farmland birds across the country isn't difficult to understand when you compared the sterile monoculture of an autumn sown barley field up on the plain with the natural balance this scene captured today.
The wonderful scene at Harbridge today, Robert with eight in hand with discs and harrows.
The flock of Wagtails that followed the harrows. The view from the drivers seat and Anne in her element as she marvelled at Robert's control.
Readers may wish to keep up todate with events on the farm.
Sampson Percherons
Sampson Percherons Facebook
That scene also captures the dilemma that our countryside faces today, especially as we approach the dreaded “Brexit” If we force the farming community into self sufficiency, through reducing or removing subsidies, economy of scale will win the day. Farm units will become bigger and maximising return will be seen by the farming lobby as the way ahead. The token gestures of today's buffer strips and beetle banks will in the furture be made to look like significant environmental measures if the modern farming community isn't kept in close check. Future farm payments must reward farmers who can clearly demonstrate their benefit to the environment, our wildlife has to fit into the working world, not kept in artificial reserves in token gestures at green wash. Our hill and upland farmers who struggle to make ends meet and those that minimise the application of agricultural pesticides must be valued and rewarded. If we continue to pander to the super markets and reward the barley barons to destroy our downland we walk a very dangerous path.
21st February
The wonderful photo above is of Andy Muir with a new Meadow Lake record carp in the form of the "Three-quarter Linear" at 42.8. Andy achieved this feat several weeks ago when he was fishing as a guest of Dan Wrigley. Andy went on the land a further 30+ and I believe six 20+ fish, a fantastic piece of angling. Congratulations Andy and thanks for the wonderful photo, a great looking fish and session. The reason I've put this eye catching photo up is to catch the attention of our "Stillwater" and joint "Coarse River and Stillwater" Members. ONLY THESE TWO CATEGORIES. This is necessary as we are currently sending out the renewal notices, which by now you should have received. If you have not received an email with the review and renewal slip please firstly check your spam file and if its not there, contact Jane in the office and we will sort things out.
......and then there are some photos that aren't quite so wonderful!
20th February
The first shot will cheer up Harry! It shows a clean Harbridge Bend with all the dead nettles and docks cleared away. The river looks in perfect trim at the moment and with a Spring tide just past I imagine there are one or two salmon in the river. It just remains for someone to have Lady Luck on their side and bump into one. Whilst the salmon are keeping a low profile the chub and barbel have continued to provide some great sport. The middle shot shows Mark with a pristene five pound plus chub safely in the landing net. One of ten fish, including three six plus specimens, all taken on teh float. Lovely bag of fish, great result Mark. On the right Darrel with a 14.7 barbel, that responded to the slight lift in water temperature at the weekend. Thanks for the photo Darrel, much appreciated.
17th February
Refurbishing four of the fifteen Starling and House Sparrow nestboxes than adorn our house. Better late than never, the birds have been trying to occupy them after I had taken them down a fortnight ago and they stood on the drive in front of the garage door. Our local birds stay with us right through the winter, the resident birds roosting in the boxes through the cold weather. I don't clean them out every year but when I do I go over them with the blow torch to rid them of parasites such as lice that can build up over time. This year I will be repositioning several of the boxes to make room for a Swift cabinet I am currently constructing. I am having to add the extra nests the cabinet will bring as my four Swift boxes are occupied and the off spring from previous years are seeking sites to establish their nests. At one point last summer there were more than twenty Swifts screaming around the house and upsetting all the Starlings as they examined every box on the building.
16th February
After reaching the highest levels of the winter the river is dropping back quickly and will be off the fields within days. It rose sufficiently to reach the trigger level for early season spinning and I was pleased to see one or two members tried their hand with the Devon Minnow, in traditional early Avon fashion. Whilst the minnow fished well no rod was lucky enough to grass a fish, it was however good to see the minnow being fished in such heavy water once more. The river has dropped back below the trigger level and I will be surprised if we see such heights again this Spring. If ever a statement tempted fate that one has!
The habitat work continues apace as Spring rapidly approaches. The entire thrust of the habitat work is to bring a holistic approach to the lakes wildlife. We are keeping the reed beds and bramble beds from being shaded out by the aggressive willow and alder growth to provide food and cover for our warblers, rails and herons. A maze of vole runs keeping the Barn owl and the Kestrel busy and the remaining aphid covered willow providing vital winter food for the Long tailed tits and the alder seed for the Siskins. Nest sites for the Dunnocks, Blackbirds and thrushes and of course food and cover for the countless invertebrates. Particularly my butterflies, as today's first Peacock and Brimstone of the year brightened the day.
A further look at one or two of our amazing trees in the form of this multi-stemmed Douglas fir that stands in an avenue of about twenty such specimens. They are not the tallest in the country but they must be very close to being soem of the first to be imported from the States and planted across the UK. When I say they are not the tallest they do give a good account of themselves soaring to well over a hundred feet and they have that dramatic majesty huge trees possess. The shot of the very frosty Lower Park was taken by Phil on his early morning round of the ewes, which also shows some of the fine specimen trees to be found down there. On the right of the shot a Common Lime with the enormous clump of epicormic growth that provides homes for owls, stock doves, Eygptian geese and Kestrels to name just of a few of its inhabitants. A huge Cedar of Lebenon and two spreading London Planes, simply stunning. Nice pic Phil, not a bad office!
15th February
Whilst the lakes are brim full the Shoveler, Gadwall and Goldeneye and geese are enjoying the extra water the river is even higher. We are seeing the river at the highest mark this winter, the meadows are well under but the water remains relatively clear due to the earlier flush we have received a month or two ago. Not ideal conditions for fishing but this is exactly the conditions we anticipated when we requested the consideration by the EA of high water spinning. With the priciple of high water spinning now excepted it was pleasing to see rods out today looking for a fish in far from perfect conditions yet feeling their devons were covering the water with a chance.
The overnight rain had pushed the river well out into the valley. Blashford Island Run was only for the brave whilst Park Pool was a vision in white with the resident swans and Little egrets joined by a Great White. I believe the white van in the back ground of the first shot is Mark's, braving 'Cabbage Garden' in search of a barbel or chub. I hope he caught as anyone braving that flow deserves every success.
The feeders are still proving very popular with the birds whilst I also feel confident in saying I have the noisiest tree in Britain in my front garden. Having had their fill of white millet from the feeding station the House Sparrows retreat to the front garden shrubs where they shout and chirp to their hearts content. Even through the double glazed front window, through which these photos where taken, the din is all too apparent.
12th February
Catch 22 - the three foot head of water makes unblocking the hatch too dangerous, so we will have to wait for the water to drop. Unfortunately the water can't drop because the hatch is blocked!
With the slight drop of water in recent days the day couldn't be put off any longer. Armed with rakes, poles saws, pruning saws, crowbars and spades the start of hours of cutting pulling and getting extremely wet ensues. Mostly willow limbs that had been too long to get through the hatch, thank you who ever sent them down. One or two points of extra interest, one being a complete picnic table, that had to be cut up under water. Also a bird table, that has developed quite a patina through being submerged for a few weeks. Once it has dried out I may even patch it up and take this home for my flocks in the front garden. Finally and thankfully the cleaned hatch.
11th February
It may have been on the chilly side but the sun did put in an appearance and with Anne just finishing her nights a walk seemed like a good idea. It also gave me the opportunity to look at one or two of the magnificent trees that can be found dotted about the estate parks and woods. Many of the great trees are getting a little long in the tooth, which gives rise not only to concerns over safety but also just how we preserve these massive specimens. In their winter state, without their leaves, we can get a better idea of just what is required or involved in keeping them in best order.
A massive poplar down beside the river, dwarfing Anne and the ancient tangled robinia out in the park. One hundred feet of elephant grey beech and the noble oak beside the Salmon Lodge. A small sample of the wonderful, aging specimens that can be found about the estate.
10th February
Having today emptied the footwell of my truck of its week's collection of bottles, coffee cups and general crap that arrives where ever the Great British public come into contact with the river - the plastic dog poo bags ride in the back of the truck with the otter deterent! Today's anthem is sung by 'Swamp Dog' which I think he wrote it in about 1967 - we don't seem to have taken the message onboard!
....and the anthem for today is
9th February
Between Penmeade and Ashley Old Weir is now looking a little tidier after another good morning with the strimmer. One pool that looks well worth a little more attention is the right bank of Blashford Island. With the division of water around the island becoming more equal in recent years the bottom end looks extremely fishy, well worth a chuck. The Island leads almost directly onto the top of Blashford. Whilst Blashford is traditionally fished from the left bank I've always felt it should be possible to take fish at the top of the pool just above the gravel shelf. It would probably best be fished with waders on, down to where the pool restricts 50m below the old seat on the far bank. Certainly worth an hour or two of any rods time. On downstream to Above the Break Through which is a great pool and should be high on the visit list of all Somerley rods, today it looked absolutely spot on. Access is a great deal easier after the wind blown willow beside the King's inception is now cleared away.
I mentioned the seat at Blashford, fear not I haven't forgotten that I need to replace and add a further dozen seats. With the fields remaining water logged getting materials out to the river is difficult. Its not the actual materials but the chainsaw and slammer that are required to cut and drive the posts that risk becoming my death knell. The wretched thing weighs a couple of stone and by the time you've sploshed, gasped, cursed and wheezed out across the meadows for the third or forth time the appeal of angling and the wellbeing of the rods is starting to take a back seat against my own survival!
8th February
With the water gradually draining off the land we are able to get on with the backlog of groundwork that has built up over the last couple of months. The timber work is almost finished for the year and after several thousand tons of timber have been extracted we are tidying up one or two sections of woodland that have to be made ready for summer events. With the drying land the river has also fallen back and we can once more get on with cleaning the salmon pools. The shot of Dog Kennel shows its looking a great deal more angler friendly after half an hour with the strimmer. Whilst the salmon pools take on the top priority the work on the lakes still has to be completed before nesting starts in another month. As well as keeping the fishing areas clear we also need to ensure the surrounding meadows remain in good order. Its all a balance as we attempt to keep the brambles and scrub thickets healthy, despite the attention of the forty odd fallow deer we have about the place. Left to their own devices the deer will completely destroy the understory, along with the vital nesting sites for many of the birds and feeding sources for our invertebrates. Many of the plantations that were left at the time these gravel pits were restored, contain trees that are not indigenous to the valley. These foreign oaks and pines are felled and left as tangled as possible to keep out the deer. The woodland clearings also allow light to penetrate the canopy, stimulating new understory, providing vital food sources. Along with the coppicing, pollarding, layering and clearing alder and willow regrowth from the reedbeds, so important to Brenda's warblers, there remains lots to complete in the coming weeks.
6th February
A further heavy frost last night and this morning the valley has taken on the proper feel of winter. The frost and ice remained in the shade until lunchtime in many sheltered spots yet the sun came through early on quickly raising both temperature and spirits. A pair of Red Kite were displaying over their nest site and the Buzzards soared across the entire Estate. A Kestrel from one of at least five pairs that nest on the Estate was enjoying a vole out on his feeding perch in the water meadows as a Goshawk circled up into the air to join the Buzzards. The sun was out and valley residents were keen to enjoy it.
Despite the frost nature seems to be of the opinion that the worst of the winter is behind us. Fingers crossed they haven't got their signals crossed.
5th February
Just a note to who ever left their seat in the Ellingham car park early last week, I have it. I can't for the life of me remember whose car was in the car park. If the owner reads this give me a call or drop me a text and I'll arrange to get it back to you.
On the fishery front we have yet to see any sign of a fresh salmon. A couple of beautifully silvered kelt gave rise to a skipped heart beat or two but nothing with true Avon Springer credentials.
The lakes are difficult yet continue to throw up one or two great fish with a 35 plus common by Woody being the pick of the bunch. The bream appear to be back on the feed in Meadow, which calls for a further blitz if we are to continue with the fishery stock plan. Once we get this latest cold spell behind us a session of two with the feeder would seem time weel spent. I'll let you all know how I fared if I manage to get either salmon or feeder rod out in the next week or two.
Woody with his 35+ common. A lovely looking fish and thanks for the photo Woody.
1st February
We're off! The salmon season is underway and a river in great condition and a sunny day provided us with one of the busiest days on the fishery. With a dozen rods out on the banks it was good to see such enthusiasm, fingers crossed we see a fish before too long to keep spirits high.
Wildfowl out on the lakes looking more relaxed. I have mentioned on here before and it still remains a mystery how the geese know the shoot season is now over. Overnight at least four pairs of Canada's took up position close to their usual nesting sites. I'm afraid we haven't reduced their numbers sufficiently this winter, which probably means we will be over run with goslings overgrazing the meadows in the summer.
27th January
The only splash of colour about during today's grey drizzle came from the feeders in the front garden that continue to support a multitude of our feathered neighbours.
24th January
The river is slowly dropping back but remains coloured and high. The spillway is running at its maximum but the water is not overflowing the bank between the hatches and the bridge today whereas yesterday a couple of inches was finding its way over. The rather poor photo taken with the mobile, in the rain, shows that we have dropped back about 80mm. The final pic shows the northern marsh at Hucklesbrook still covered in water, to the delight of the gull and wildfowl population. I should stress this high water is exactly what we need and the river and valley are looking magnificent at the moment. It may make our outside work difficult but this is a small price to pay for a river in good heart having flushed the accumulated grot of society and the summer out of its system. I have also added the East Mills Flume website page to the headers to make access easier.
23rd January
1st February

27th January

The only splash of colour about during today's grey drizzle came from the feeders in the front garden that continue to support a multitude of our feathered neighbours.
24th January
The river is slowly dropping back but remains coloured and high. The spillway is running at its maximum but the water is not overflowing the bank between the hatches and the bridge today whereas yesterday a couple of inches was finding its way over. The rather poor photo taken with the mobile, in the rain, shows that we have dropped back about 80mm. The final pic shows the northern marsh at Hucklesbrook still covered in water, to the delight of the gull and wildfowl population. I should stress this high water is exactly what we need and the river and valley are looking magnificent at the moment. It may make our outside work difficult but this is a small price to pay for a river in good heart having flushed the accumulated grot of society and the summer out of its system. I have also added the East Mills Flume website page to the headers to make access easier.
23rd January
As I mentioned in the salmon review a few weeks ago and in light of the estate agreeing to take part in the early season high water spinning trial, I am bringing readers up to date with matters as they now stand. To which end the EA have agreed that the level above which spinning can take place before 15th May will be 1.24m at East mills Flume.
Water height at the East Mills Flume
I must emphasise that its the East mills Flume and not the East Mills Weir, the link above will take you directly to the correct site.
One or two members have asked me recently for a Somerley water height at the flume when Somerley would offer the best chance of a fish. The only problem with this is that I am not familiar with water levels at Somerley in relation to the East Mills gauges. I have always used the flow at Knappmill as a guide, along with the spring tides they are probably the most reliable indicators of success. In an effort to resolve this in recent weeks I have been looking at the levels at Ibsley Bridge and comparing them to the flume and now feel I have a reasonable understanding of the relationship between the two.
Firstly let me give you an idea of just what Somerley will look like when the levels at the flume reach the critical height to allow spinning. As an example, Today's level on the flume at 16:00 was, as in the photo below, 1.23m that is just below the permitted level. The two bordering photos show the levels out on the bank. Judging by the height at Island run and Blashford pool I'm sure not many will take advantage of the opportunity to spin. In the event you do make sure you are properly equipped and I would strongly suggest you do not venture onto the banks without a stout wading stick.
Downstream towards the corner at Blashford Pool. Toady's reading at the East Mills flume and upstream across the meadows to island run.
From the responses to the review that we received from syndicate members there would appear to be only a minimal interest from members in taking advantage of the facility. It is however an opportunity we shouldn't ignore if we see high flows through until May as we did just a few season back. It will provide the opportunity to visit the water with a chance of a fish, even if actual fishing time is perhaps secondary to just being there! I would request that spinning effort is guided by the existing etiquette that we adopt at Somerley for the fly. We would not wish to see any water fished repeatedly, by which keeping on the move and covering different water at every cast must be the way forward.
17th January
With the river continuing to run high and coloured, with further rain forecast, it looks as if we will have a river in good order when the salmon season gets underway in a fortnights time. Today's showers and sunshine, perfectly captured in this shot of the Old School House at Harbridge.
15th January
We have seen some good pike this season, I certainly know of fish to 29.02 pounds. The photo above shows Adam Martin with a 22 pounder to go with a 19 pounder he had on the traditional start of the pike season back on 1st October. Adam has also managed an absolute beauty of 28+ a month or so back, which points to a pretty good season to date. Well done on the fish Adam and many thanks for the reports and the pix.
11th January

Yesterday's sunrise at Ellingham, taken by Jane on her way into the office; nice one Jane. The start of a good day beside the river.
Every day beside the river is a good day and clipping up the salmon pools is a great way to spend it. Looking upstream from Gypsy to The Reeds, Pile Pool down to Park and upstream to the Bridge Pool.
.........and there I was worried about micro-plastics! Just where we are heading with individuals such as the one-watt that dumped this in the river I have no idea. Especially when fly tipping in the New Forest District Council area incurs the wrath of the council with a FPN (Fixed Penalty Notice) and an £80 fine!
9th January
This might prove interesting. We know there is a lie just off the seat as fish have been lost there in the past. I've extended the fishable length of bank by 20m and will take the top off the brambles so that fish running downstream can be followed down to Pile Pool if the rod is held high.
2017 Review
One of the odd things about my role is that I do not have an obvious end to my year. The river coarse season retains a beginning and a separate ending, as does the salmon, the trout, the wildfowl, the pheasant and the deer to name but a few. Most run in harmony with the natural cycle of events in the valley. Migrants come and go, be they summer or winter visitors, there is however no clear point of change. If my year were to have a beginning and an end it would probably be the winter solstice. Not because I am some sort of practising Pagan but because it simply is the shortest day, with all the photo-period implications for the Natural World. The regeneration of the Avon salmon gets under way, foxes begin their barking and screaming, to accompany my night rounds and our swans along with other of the valley early birds begin to establish their territories.
Perhaps, on consideration, with Stonehenge in the catchment with its millennia of influence and filtered essence percolating down through our chalk the Avon is tainted? I have been immersed in the waters of this river for over fifty years it has probably seeped deep into my bones. Does this mean I should stick to my personal preference of the solstice? In light of my dilemma adopting that which the vast majority, along with Pope Gregory, feel to be the first choice would seem most logical.
A frosty start to January saw the lakes cowering in the face of the freezing north wind and the exposed sections of the valley proved a trial for all but the bravest souls. An improvement in conditions made the river more attractive with the fish coming back on the feed between the frosty night time temperatures. To prove a point Darrel Hughes landed what for me was the fish of the month with a stunning roach of 2.09. The chub and the pike continued to provide some wonderful fishing and great specimens. By the end of the month the north wind had given way to rain bearing south westerlies. The river levels rose and the water coloured making the February start of the salmon season a challenge with such heavy flows. Hopefully the early salmon made the most of the perfect running conditions to reach the higher river. It wasn't until the 9th that the first Avon Springer graced our banks when Paul Greenacre landed a magnificent twenty plus fish.
Right up to the end of the coarse season on the rivers the Avon continued to produce chub fishing that is hard to believe has ever been bettered. Its almost impossible to chose the best example but I think Ollie Johnson's float caught bag that included two seven plus, three sixes and a big five has to be the pick of the bunch. As the water temperatures continued to rise our barbel also joined the fray with doubles showing throughout the fishery rounding off a perfect river coarse season.
A warm ending to March provided a spring boost for the valley wildlife and the butterflies in particular enjoyed a far better start than the spring of 2016. The arrival of Spring is good for the soul and it was a particularly pleasant time to be in the valley and around the lakes. The appearance of the sun and a light southerly or westerly wind soon put the memory of the long grey winter behind us. With the close of the coarse river the salmon and stillwater syndicates came into prominence. The early flows of february collapsed by the middle of May. By the end of May the water temperature had also reached the critical 19 degrees centigrade cut off point for salmon fishing. The flow never recovered, continuing to bump along at low summer flows for the remainder of the season. Whilst the water temperature did drop below the conservation limit in reality the salmon season ended for us in the middle river by the beginning of June. One other fish I should mention was a great looking twenty pound cock fish landed by Ray Finch from Cabbage Garden. When the phone rang and Ray told me he was into a fish I was on the far side of the world out in the jungle somewhere north of Chiang Mai, in Thailand. A little distant for me to rush to Ray's aid so a quick phone call to Kevin on the estate produced the necessary assistance and honours with the camera. The wonders of modern communications. In total we did see seven fish over the magical 20 pounds mark banked in the early season, which wasn't too bad on consideration. Unfortunately it wasn't to be maintained and numbers and size dropped off dramatically making the salmon season a difficult one best put behind us.
The capture of some stunning carp from Mockbeggar with multiple catches of 30+ fish gracing the bank on several occasions went some way to lift the spirits. The Somerley Lakes complex continued as it has for decades providing some wonderful fishing. Our efforts in removing the bream are starting to show positive results with the tench getting the chance to reach the bait and as for the carp even the resident old girls are putting on weight in leaps and bounds. The tench in Meadow are getting very long in the tooth but with new blood safely installed in the complex the future looks well. We still have some way to go in removing excess carp and bream, hopefully this summer will see the carp numbers in King-Vincent sorted out at least. If all goes to plan the biomass in Kings-Vincent will be sufficiently back under control to see the crucians introduced in the not too distant future.
With the arrival of 16th of June the coarse river season just couldn't have had a better start. Paul Allen's incredible 8.02 chub gave a flavour of the chub that inhabit this amazing river. Once spawning was out of the way they put their condition back on quicker this year than I have ever seen. As autumn arrived the number of six and seven pound fish throughout the length of the fishery has been staggering. It often requires a second take to ensure I had heard the correct details of some of these catches. There seem to be shoals of younger year classes in the carriers, which would seem to bode well for the future. I would suggest that if you have access to the Avon you should make the most of these astonishing fish as I find it hard to believe we will enjoy them indefinitely.
Paul Allen's staggering chub.
The summer turned into a vintage one with warm weather providing perfect growing conditions for the valley flora and fauna. Mockbeggar continues to delight with the winter grazing regime producing a blizzard of wild flowers for the pollinators to feast upon. Butterflies drifted and danced in every meadow with three new species being recorded on the Mockbeggar transect. The valley not to be outdone produced massive hatches of both Small Tortoiseshell, feeding on the creeping meadow thistles and Green-veined Whites on the mint of the floated meadows. Its a further therapy for the soul to walk through a meadow surrounded by literally hundreds of butterflies.
Wild flower meadows at Mockbeggar.
The resident bird populations seemed to enjoy an equally successful breeding season with several species appearing in good numbers as they fledged. Not perhaps the stuff to excite the twitching fraternity but our Blackbirds, Bullfinches and Goldfinches appeared in numbers I haven't witnessed for years. Brenda Cook, of recent warbler ring recovery success, produced further evidence of the successful summer with her Mockbeggar warbler study. If only such information could be attained for all our species, not just the birds but the insects, fish and valley mammals as well. The sooner we understand and are educated in the needs of our valley wildlife the sooner we will be able to ensure their sustainable future.
As with the chub the barbel soon recovered their condition after spawning and we witnessed some superb fish even in the height of the summer. The low summer flows and clear water visibility meant fishing became harder as the summer turned into autumn and we failed to get the expected rains. Eventually we did see one or two decent spates and the barbel responded as we hoped with some magnificent specimens. If we include the fish north of Ibsley we could be looking at five fish in excess of sixteen pounds on the estate. One of the Ibsley fish certainly in excess of seventeen and one south of Ellingham possibly equally impressive. Simply wonderful, long may it last, just ensure you make the most of it. If we add a healthy pike population that has seen some superb specimens landed things are definitely looking okay on the fishery front.
Keeping the infrastructure of the place up together is always a balance between Estate events and the weather. We continue to clear fallen and dangerous trees, pollard willows, reinforce roads, renew hatches and replace bridges and styles that fall into disrepair. Conservation projects such as the Ellingham oxbow, Harbridge wader splashes and the Mockbeggar meadows add a further element. It all takes time and along with trimming the paths and pools keeps me extremely busy. Hard work and time consuming it might be but I for one can think of nowhere I would rather be.
I look forward to seeing you all on the banks in 2018, whatever your chosen pursuit lets hope for a good one.
8th January
Only the other day I was wishing for more swans to help with the weed clearing and today over a hundred were present in just a couple of fields. There were sixteen cygnets in one small area, which would seem to point to the swans having had a good summer. Add two Great white Egrets, hundreds of geese, plus numerous wildfowl and the wet meadows were looking more as they should at this time of year. The river is still high but if you have wellies it is now possible to cross the oxbow again at Ellingham, making it possible to walk around the Ellingham Island copse. The old scaffolding bridge has been dismantled and is laying close by on the mud. Once the soft ground, after all the recent rain, has hardened up we will get a tractor down to remove it.
Mid-day today and I was clearing hatches when this chap insisted on passing.
4th January
Our troublesome oaks looked a great deal easier the morning after than they did at midnight in the rain and gales. A couple of hours with the chainsaw and the 4CX soon had them cleared and awaiting preparation of the trunks for the timber mill. Our planned efforts with the timber thinning is progressing well as about half of the forwarded material safely roadside awaiting hauling away. Finally, as I walked back from the hatches this evening on my last weed clearing round of the day, the Starlings put on a great dislay as a Sparrow hawk kept them on the move. Numbers have dropped to roughly half that at the time of the peak counts before Christmas but they still looked very dramatic. As grandaughter Katie said a week ago when she visited, the sound of their wings as they wheeled overhead sounded just like waves on the beach.
2nd January
As regular readers will be aware in recent weeks I have been doing my rain dance at every opportunity in a bid to encourage Mother Nature to replenish our aquifer up on the plain and provide us with a good flush through to clean out the summers detritus. Well, things are most definitely looking up. First Dylan and now Eleanor have been doing their very best to meet my requests. As I said yesterday the river is well up and flushing through beautifully, lovely height, water temperature and colour. It really is looking spot on.
Whilst we are delighted with the conditions there are also less desirable consequences that we have to put up with for the overall good of the river and its inhabitants. It is certainly the end of sight fishing after the prolonged low clear water of the summer and autumn we are now under real Avon conditions. If the flow remains high the fish will also have moved from their summer haunts dropping into the deeper slacks and glides. I have to admit to never being a fan of sight fishing, I always feel I'm cheating or gaining unfair advantage over my intended quarry. My idea of the Avon is when its running bank high and what I refer to as winter green. If the rain eases off in the next day or two and the flood water clears the river will then take on the wonderful grey-green slate colour of winter. In the early sixties when I first fished the river, on what was then the White Horse water at Charford, if we could we would trot bread for the roach by the old boathouse. Or ledgering lumps of cheese for the chub just above the weir. That was in the days when a good chub was four pounds and most were in the three to three and a half stamp. Enough reminiscing, back to our current river and the problems associated with our floods.
All summer long the weed in the carriers and the side growth in the main channel has been growing thicker and denser with no pace of colour to curb it. Now the rising water, following one or two decent frosts, has loosened this growth and sent it swirling on its way downstream. Rafts and islands of Fools Cress and Sweet Grass are heading line astern for every hatch on the place. Add a few wind blown willow branches and an uprooted tree or two and we have a recipe for the perfect storm. No sooner is one hatch cleared than another blocks. As the rubbish is dragged out and cut up, the flow increases and sucks another half ton of trash straight back in. My day is spent patrolling the gates and hatches sending one lot after another on their way downstream. Why bother? You may well ask. To enable the flow to do its work and clear out the mud and weed from the river bed. If left water upstream of blocked gates quickly rises and spills over the banks dissipating its flow in the process. Once we have scoured the gravels its fine to allow it to carry its silt burden out onto the flood plain but first it must collect the mud and rubbish to do its work. Once again a potential downside is that it risks taking the salmon redds that were so recently laid down with it. As we stand at present the flow hasn't reached that critical point and the eggs remain safely within the gravel mounds. Fingers crossed it remains in that happy state of balance.
Yet another downside to storms Dylan and Eleanor as the ancient oaks give up their grip on life. Fortunately the roads were empty at the time, although Andrew probably needed removing from his lounge ceiling having that mighty oak crash down just yards from his front door.
Rafts of weed heading downstream to block every hatch and culvert. Its a time when we could actually do with more swans to break up the masses of weed and enble it to pass through the hatches. Unfortunately the twenty or so resisent pairs will not tolerate the flocks of non-breeders anywhere near the river or carriers in the heart of the estate.
1st January
As its the first of the new year I feel that an entry should be added if only as an update on river conditions for any members heading this way. As can be seen the oxbow has an extra couple of feet in it but in the background the river is well within its banks. It is carrying plenty of colour and today the water temperature was in the region of eight degrees celsius, which means everything should be on the feed if you can just find them. It also gives me the opportunity to test the new HTML page!
30th December